Explore Thousands of Ancient Stories in Chronological Order, in one place.

Origin dateBookAuthorYears AgoCenturyCountry / Territory of Publication
1799 CEEdgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-WalkerCharles Brockden Brown22418th Century CEUnited States
1799 CEArthur MervynCharles Brockden Brown22418th Century CEUnited States
1799 CEOrmondCharles Brockden Brown22418th Century CEUnited States
1799 CESt. LeonWilliam Godwin22418th Century CEBritain
1799 CETravels into the Interior of AfricaMungo Park22418th Century CEUnited States
1799 CELucindeFriedrich Schlegel22418th Century CEGermany
1797 CEThe CoquetteHannah Webster Foster22418th Century CEUnited States
1797 CEThe Castle SpectreMatthew Gregory Lewis22418th Century CEEngland
1797 CEThe Horrors of Oakendale AbbeyMrs. Carver (Anthony Carlisle)22418th Century CEEngland
1797 CEDer Blonde EckbertLudwig Tieck22418th Century CEPrussia
1797 CEFreemason’s MonitorThomas Smith Webb22418th Century CEUnited States
1799 CELogicImmanuel Kant22418th Century CEGermany
1798 CEThe Rime of the Ancient MarinerSamuel Taylor Coleridge22518th Century CEEngland
1798 CELyrical BalladsWilliam Wordsworth & Samuel Taylor Coleridge22518th Century CEEngland
1798 CEMaria: or, The Wrongs of WomanMary Wollstonecraft22518th Century CEEngland
1798 CEAn Essay on the Principle of PopulationThomas Robert Malthus22518th Century CEEngland
1798 CEWielandCharles Brockden Brown22518th Century CEUnited States
1798 CEЕнеїдаIvan Kotliarevsky22518th Century CERussia
1798 CEThe Midnight BellFrancis Lathom22518th Century CEEngland
1798 CEClermontRegina Maria Roche22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CEThe Haunted Cavern: A Caledonian TaleJohn Palmer Jr.22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CEThe MonkMatthew Gregory Lewis22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CECamillaFrances Burney22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CELetters Written During A Short Residence In Sweden, Norway And DenmarkMary Wollstonecraft22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CEHorrid MysteriesCarl Grosse22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CEThe Mysterious WarningEliza Parsons22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CEMemoirs of Emma CourtneyMary Hays22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CEThe Children of the AbbeyRegina Maria Roche22518th Century CEEngland
1796 CEConsiderations on FranceJoseph de Maistre22518th Century CEFrance
1798 CEThe Orphan of the RhineEleanor Sleath22518th Century CEEngland
1797 CEJulietteMarquis de Sade22618th Century CEFrance
1797 CEHyperion oder Der Eremit in GriechenlandFriedrich Hölderlin22718th Century CEGermany
1796 CEThe ItalianAnn Radcliffe22718th Century CEEngland
1794 CEThe Mysteries of UdolphoAnn Radcliffe22718th Century CEEngland
1794 CEThe Age of ReasonThomas Paine22718th Century CEFrance
1794 CEThe Adventures of Caleb WilliamsWilliam Godwin22718th Century CEEngland
1794 CESongs of Innocence and of ExperienceWilliam Blake22718th Century CEEngland
1794 CEThe TygerWilliam Blake22718th Century CEEngland
1794 CEThe Necromancer, or The Tale of the Black ForestKarl Friedrich Kahlert22718th Century CEGermany
1794 CEZoonomia; or the Laws of Organic LifeErasmus Darwin22718th Century CEEngland
1794 CEThe Book of UrizenWilliam Blake22718th Century CEEngland
1794 CEVoyage autour de ma chambreXavier de Maistre22718th Century CEKingdom of Sardinia
1794 CELady SusanJane Austen22718th Century CEEngland
1795 CEPhilosophy in the BoudoirMarquis de Sade22818th Century CEFrance
1795 CEOn the Aesthetic Education of ManFriedrich Schiller22818th Century CEGermany
1795 CEPerpetual PeaceImmanuel Kant22818th Century CEGermany
1795 CEÜber naive und sentimentalische DichtungFriedrich Schiller22818th Century CEGermany
1795 CEUnterhaltungen deutscher AusgewandertenJohann Wolfgang von Goethe22818th Century CEGermany
1796 CEJacques the FatalistDenis Diderot22818th Century CEFrance
1792 CEThe NunDenis Diderot22918th Century CEFrance
1791 CEThe Story of the StoneCao Xueqin23018th Century CEChina
1793 CEVisions of the Daughters of AlbionWilliam Blake23018th Century CEEngland
1793 CEThe Castle of Wolfenbach: A German StoryEliza Parsons23018th Century CEEngland
1793 CEReligion within the Bounds of Bare ReasonImmanuel Kant23018th Century CEGermany
1792 CEA Vindication of the Rights of WomanMary Wollstonecraft23118th Century CEEngland
1792 CEPoor LizaNikolay Karamzin23118th Century CERussia
1792 CEL’Autre Tartuffe ou La Mère CoupablePierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais23118th Century CEFrance
1791 CECelestinaCharlotte Turner Smith23218th Century CEEngland
1791 CERights of ManThomas Paine23218th Century CEEngland
1791 CEThe Life of Samuel JohnsonJames Boswell23218th Century CEEngland
1791 CEJustine, or The Misfortunes of VirtueMarquis de Sade23218th Century CEFrance
1791 CEThe Romance of the ForestAnn Radcliffe23218th Century CEEngland
1791 CEA Simple StoryElizabeth Inchbald23218th Century CEEngland
1791 CEBartram’s TravelsWilliam Bartram23218th Century CEUnited States
1791 CECharlotte TempleSusanna Rowson23218th Century CEEngland
1791 CEThe Rights of WomanOlympe de Gouges23218th Century CEFrance
1790 CEThe Marriage of Heaven and HellWilliam Blake23318th Century CEEngland
1790 CEReflections on the Revolution in FranceEdmund Burke23318th Century CEEngland
1790 CECritique of JudgmentImmanuel Kant23318th Century CEGermany
1790 CEA Sicilian RomanceAnn Radcliffe23318th Century CEEngland
1790 CEThe Mutiny on Board H.M.S. BountyWilliam Bligh23318th Century CEEngland
1790 CELove and FreindshipJane Austen23318th Century CEEngland
1790 CEA Journey from Saint Petersburg to MoscowAleksandr Radishchev23318th Century CERussia
1790 CEPowrót posłaJulian Ursyn Niemcewicz23318th Century CEPoland
1790 CEThe Metamorphosis of PlantsJohann Wolfgang von Goethe23318th Century CEGermany
1790 CETorquato TassoJohann Wolfgang von Goethe23318th Century CEGermany
1789 CEThe Book of ThelWilliam Blake23418th Century CEEngland
1789 CEEthelinde, or, the Recluse of the LakeCharlotte Turner Smith23418th Century CEEngland
1789 CEThe Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah EquianoOlaudah Equiano23418th Century CEEngland
1789 CEThe Castles of Athlin and DunbayneAnn Radcliffe23418th Century CEEngland
1789 CEThe Principles of Morals and LegislationJeremy Bentham23418th Century CEEngland
1789 CEThe Natural History and Antiquities of SelborneGilbert White23418th Century CEEngland
1789 CEElements of Chemistry (Dover Books on Chemistry)Antoine Lavoisier23418th Century CEFrance
1789 CEThe Journal of John WesleyJohn Wesley23418th Century CEEngland
1788 CEEmmeline, The Orphan of the CastleCharlotte Turner Smith23518th Century CEEngland
1788 CEThe Federalist PapersAlexander Hamilton23518th Century CEUnited States
1788 CECritique of Practical ReasonImmanuel Kant23518th Century CEGermany
1788 CEPaul et VirginieJacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre23518th Century CEFrance
1788 CEEgmont: A Tragedy in Five ActsJohann Wolfgang von Goethe23518th Century CEGermany
1793 CE1788Watkin Tench23518th Century CEEngland
1788 CEMary: A FictionMary Wollstonecraft23518th Century CEEngland
1787 CEDer Geisterseher. Aus den Memoires des Grafen von O…Friedrich Schiller23618th Century CEGermany
1787 CEDon Karlos: Infant von SpanienFriedrich Schiller23618th Century CEGermany
1787 CEThe Panopticon Writings: (Wo Es War)Jeremy Bentham23718th Century CEEngland
1786 CEVathekWilliam Beckford23718th Century CEEngland
1786 CEThe Marriage of FigaroLorenzo Da Ponte23718th Century CEItaly
1785 CEThe 120 Days of SodomMarquis de Sade23818th Century CEFrance
1785 CEHieroglyphic TalesHorace Walpole23818th Century CEEngland
1785 CEGroundwork of the Metaphysics of MoralsImmanuel Kant23818th Century CEGermany
1785 CEThe Adventures of Baron MünchausenRudolf Erich Raspe23818th Century CEEngland
1785 CENotes on the State of VirginiaThomas Jefferson23818th Century CEUnited States
1785 CEAnton ReiserKarl Philipp Moritz23818th Century CEGermany
1785 CEThe Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel JohnsonJames Boswell23818th Century CEEngland
1786 CEErotica RomanaJohann Wolfgang von Goethe23816th Century CEGermany
1784 CEAn Answer to the Question: What Is Enlightenment?Immanuel Kant23918th Century CEGermany
1784 CEKabale und LiebeFriedrich Schiller23918th Century CEGermany
1783 CEProlegomena to Any Future MetaphysicsImmanuel Kant24018th Century CEGermany
1783 CEThe Recess (18th-Century Novels By Women)Sophia Lee24018th Century CEEngland
1782 CEDe historie van Mejuffrouw Sara BurgerhartBetje Wolff24118th Century CENetherlands
1782 CEReveries of the Solitary WalkerJean-Jacques Rousseau24118th Century CESwitzerland
1782 CEDie Verschwörung des Fiesco zu GenuaFriedrich Schiller24118th Century CEGermany
1782 CELes Liaisons dangereusesPierre Choderlos de Laclos24118th Century CEFrance
1782 CEConfessionsJean-Jacques Rousseau24118th Century CESwitzerland
1782 CECeciliaFrances Burney24118th Century CEEngland
1782 CEDialogue Between a Priest and a Dying ManMarquis de Sade24118th Century CEFrance
1782 CEFonvizin: The MinorDenis Fonvizin24118th Century CERussia
1782 CESaulVittorio Alfieri24118th Century CEItaly
1781 CEDie RäuberFriedrich Schiller24218th Century CEGermany
1781 CECritique of Pure ReasonImmanuel Kant24218th Century CEGermany
1781 CEOn the Origin of LanguageJean-Jacques Rousseau24218th Century CESwitzerland
1781 CEThe old Jersey captiveThomas Andros24218th Century CEUnited States
1779 CEDialogues Concerning Natural ReligionDavid Hume24418th Century CEEngland
1779 CEThe Lives of the PoetsSamuel Johnson24418th Century CEUnited Kingdom
1779 CENathan der WeiseGotthold Ephraim Lessing24418th Century CEGermany
1779 CEIphigenie auf TaurisJohann Wolfgang von Goethe24418th Century CEGermany
1778 CEEvelina; The History of a Young Lady’s Entrance into the WorldFrances Burney24518th Century CEEngland
1778 CEThe SylphGeorgiana Cavendish24518th Century CEEngland
1778 CELe Mariage de FigaroPierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais24518th Century CEFrance
1777 CESchool for ScandalRichard Brinsley Sheridan24618th Century CEEngland
1777 CEThe Old English BaronClara Reeve24618th Century CEEngland
1777 CENo TomorrowVivant Denon24718th Century CEFrance
1776 CEThe Decline and Fall of the Roman EmpireEdward Gibbon24718th Century CEEngland
1776 CEThe Declaration of Independence / The Constitution of the United StatesThomas Jefferson24718th Century CEUnited States
1776 CECommon Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential WritingsThomas Paine24718th Century CEUnited States
1776 CEAn Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of NationsAdam Smith24718th Century CEScotland
1776 CECommon SenseThomas Paine24718th Century CEUnited States
1776 CETales of Moonlight and RainUeda Akinari24718th Century CEJapan
1776 CEThe CrisisThomas Paine24718th Century CEUnited States
1776 CEDie SoldatenJakob Michael Reinhold Lenz24718th Century CEGermany
1775 CEThe RivalsRichard Brinsley Sheridan24818th Century CEEngland
1775 CEA Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and The Journal of a Tour to the HebridesSamuel Johnson24818th Century CEEngland
1775 CEOn SuicideDavid Hume24818th Century CEEngland
1775 CEThe History of the American IndiansJames Adair24818th Century CEEngland
1774 CEThe Sorrows of Young WertherJohann Wolfgang von Goethe24918th Century CEGermany
1774 CEThe Journal Of John WoolmanJohn Woolman24918th Century CEUnited States
1774 CEDer Hofmeister oder Vorteile der PrivaterziehungJakob Michael Reinhold Lenz24918th Century CEGermany
1773 CEShe Stoops to ConquerOliver Goldsmith25018th Century CEEngland
1773 CEGötz von BerlichingenJohann Wolfgang von Goethe25018th Century CEGermany
1773 CEPoems on Various Subjects, Religious and MoralPhillis Wheatley25018th Century CEUnited States
1772 CEEmilia GalottiGotthold Ephraim Lessing25118th Century CEGermany
1772 CEEl diablo enamoradoJacques Cazotte25118th Century CEFrance
1772 CESupplément au Voyage de BougainvilleDenis Diderot25118th Century CEFrance
1771 CEThe Autobiography of Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin25218th Century CEUnited States
1771 CEThe Expedition of Humphry ClinkerTobias Smollett25218th Century CEEngland
1771 CEThe Man of FeelingHenry MacKenzie25218th Century CEEngland
1771 CEVoyage autour du mondeLouis Antoine de Bougainville25218th Century CEFrance
1770 CEThe Waste BooksGeorg Christoph Lichtenberg25418th Century CEGermany
1769 CEAbhandlung über den Ursprung der SpracheJohann Gottfried Herder25418th Century CEGermany
1769 CERameau’s NephewDenis Diderot25418th Century CEFrance
1769 CELe Rêve de d’AlembertDenis Diderot25418th Century CEFrance
1769 CEThe History of Emily MontagueFrances Brooke25418th Century CEEngland
1768 CEA Sentimental JourneyLaurence Sterne25518th Century CEEngland
1768 CEThe Princess of BabylonVoltaire25518th Century CEFrance
1767 CEThe Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, GentlemanLaurence Sterne25618th Century CEEngland
1767 CEL’IngénuVoltaire25618th Century CEFrance
1767 CEMinna von BarnhelmGotthold Ephraim Lessing25618th Century CEGermany
1766 CEThe Vicar of WakefieldOliver Goldsmith25718th Century CEEngland
1766 CELaocoon: An Essay on the Limits of Painting and PoetryGotthold Ephraim Lessing25718th Century CEGermany
1765 CEPreface to ShakespeareSamuel Johnson25918th Century CEEngland
1765 CEThe History of Little Goody Two-ShoesOliver Goldsmith25918th Century CEEngland
1764 CEThe Castle of OtrantoHorace Walpole26018th Century CEEngland
1764 CEPhilosophical DictionaryVoltaire26018th Century CEFrance
1764 CEAn Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense: A Critical EditionThomas Reid26018th Century CEScotland
1764 CEDei delitti e delle peneCesare Beccaria26018th Century CEItaly
1764 CEGreat Ideas Miracles and IdolatryVoltaire26018th Century CEFrance
1763 CELondon Journal, 1762 – 1763James Boswell26118th Century CEEngland
1763 CEIl ventaglioCarlo Goldoni26118th Century CEItaly
1762 CEThe Social ContractJean-Jacques Rousseau26218th Century CESwitzerland
1762 CEA Description of Millenium HallSarah Scott26218th Century CEEngland
1761 CEThe Memoirs of Miss Sidney BidulphFrances Sheridan26318th Century CEEngland
1761 CERameau’s NephewDenis Diderot26318th Century CEFrance
1761 CEJulie, or the New HeloiseJean-Jacques Rousseau26318th Century CENetherlands
1761 CELa nouvelle Héloïse. Tome IIJean-Jacques Rousseau26318th Century CENetherlands
1761 CELa nouvelle Héloïse. Tome IJean-Jacques Rousseau26318th Century CENetherlands
1760 CEFragments of Ancient PoetryJames MacPherson26418th Century CEEngland
1759 CECandideVoltaire26518th Century CEFrance
1759 CEThe History of Rasselas, Prince of AbissiniaSamuel Johnson26518th Century CEEngland
1759 CEThe Theory of Moral SentimentsAdam Smith26518th Century CEScotland
1758 CEHeaven and HellEmanuel Swedenborg26618th Century CESweden
1758 CEEssays: Moral, Political and LiteraryDavid Hume26618th Century CEEngland
1757 CEA Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and BeautifulEdmund Burke26718th Century CEEngland
1757 CEThe Natural History of ReligionDavid Hume26718th Century CEEngland
1757 CEOf the Standard of TasteDavid Hume26718th Century CEEngland
1755 CEA Narrative of the Life of Mrs Charlotte CharkeRobert McConkie Rehder26818th Century CEEngland
1755 CEThe Basic Political WritingsJean-Jacques Rousseau26918th Century CESwitzerland
1755 CEA Dictionary of the English Language: An AnthologySamuel Johnson26918th Century CEEngland
1755 CEDiscourse on the Origin of InequalityJean-Jacques Rousseau26918th Century CEHolland
1755 CEMiss Sara SampsonGotthold Ephraim Lessing26918th Century CEGermany
1754 CEFreedom of the WillJonathan Edwards27018th Century CEUnited States
1754 CEThe History of England, Volume IDavid Hume27018th Century CEEngland
1754 CELe bon sens puisé dans la NaturePaul-Henri Thiry27018th Century CEFrance
1753 CEAn Essay on the Art of Ingeniously TormentingJane Collier27118th Century CEEngland
1752 CELa locandieraCarlo Goldoni27218th Century CEItaly
1752 CEMicromegasVoltaire27218th Century CEFrance
1752 CEThe Female QuixoteCharlotte Lennox27218th Century CEEngland
1751 CEAn Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardThomas Gray27318th Century CEEngland
1751 CEEncyclopédie: Ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers (1)Various27318th Century CEFrance
1751 CEAn Enquiry Concerning the Principles of MoralsDavid Hume27318th Century CEEngland
1751 CEThe Adventures of Peregrine PickleTobias Smollett27318th Century CEEngland
1751 CEAmeliaHenry Fielding27318th Century CEEngland
1751 CEThe History of Miss Betsy ThoughtlessEliza Haywood27318th Century CEEngland
1750 CEThe Venetian Twins / The Artful Widow / Mirandolina / The Superior ResidenceCarlo Goldoni27418th Century CEItaly
1750 CEThe Glories of Mary (The Ascetical Works, #7-8)Alfonso María de Liguori27418th Century CEItaly
1750 CEThe Spirit of the LawsMontesquieu27418th Century CEFrance
1750 CEThe ScholarsWu Jingzi27416th Century CEChina
1749 CEDiscours sur les sciences et les artsJean-Jacques Rousseau27518th Century CEFrance
1749 CEThe History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingHenry Fielding27518th Century CEEngland
1749 CELettre sur les aveuglesDenis Diderot27518th Century CEFrance
1748 CEDe L’Espirit or Essays on the Mind and Its Several FacultiesClaude Adrien Helvétius27618th Century CEFrance
1748 CELes Bijoux indiscretsDenis Diderot27618th Century CEFrance
1748 CEClarissa, or, The History of a Young LadySamuel Richardson27618th Century CEEngland
1748 CEAn Enquiry Concerning Human UnderstandingDavid Hume27618th Century CEEngland
1748 CEFanny Hill, or Memoirs of a Woman of PleasureJohn Cleland27618th Century CEEngland
1748 CERoderick RandomTobias Smollett27618th Century CEEngland
1752 CEZadigVoltaire27618th Century CEFrance
1748 CEChūshingura (The Treasury of Loyal Retainers): A Puppet PlayTakeda Izumo27618th Century CEJapan
1747 CEZadig et autres contesVoltaire27718th Century CEFrance
1747 CELettres d’une PeruvienneFrançoise de Graffigny27718th Century CEFrance
1746 CEThe Servant of Two MastersCarlo Goldoni27818th Century CEItaly
1746 CEThe Religious AffectionsJonathan Edwards27818th Century CEUnited States
1744 CEGeneral Yue FeiCai Qian27918th Century CEChina
1744 CELife of Savage;Samuel Johnson27918th Century CEEngland
1744 CEThe DisputePierre de Marivaux28018th Century CEFrance
1744 CEThe Adventures of David SimpleSarah Fielding28018th Century CEEngland
1743 CEJonathan WildHenry Fielding28118th Century CEEngland
1742 CEJoseph AndrewsHenry Fielding28218th Century CEEngland
1742 CENight Thoughts On Life, Death And ImmortalityEdward Young28218th Century CEEngland
1741 CESinners in the Hands of an Angry GodJonathan Edwards28318th Century CEUnited States
1741 CEAn Apology for the Life of Mrs. Shamela AndrewsHenry Fielding28318th Century CEEngland
1741 CEThe Journey of Niels Klim to the World UndergroundLudvig Holberg28318th Century CEDenmark
1741 CEMemoirs of Martinus ScriblerusAlexander Pope28318th Century CEEngland
1740 CEPamelaSamuel Richardson28418th Century CEEngland
1740 CEBeauty and the BeastJeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont28418th Century CEFrance
1739 CEA Treatise of Human NatureDavid Hume28518th Century CEEngland
1739 CEJoe Miller’s Jests Or The Wits Vade MecumJoe Miller28518th Century CEEngland
1734 CELe paysan parvenuPierre de Marivaux29018th Century CEFrance
1733 CELetters on EnglandVoltaire29118th Century CEFrance
1733 CEAn Essay on ManAlexander Pope29118th Century CEEngland
1734 CEConsiderations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and Their DeclineMontesquieu29218th Century CEFrance
1732 CEPoor Richard’s AlmanackBenjamin Franklin29218th Century CEUnited States
1732 CELe triomphe de l’amourPierre de Marivaux29218th Century CEFrance
1731 CEDirections to ServantsJonathan Swift29318th Century CEIreland
1731 CEManon LescautAntoine François Prévost d’Exiles29318th Century CEFrance
1731 CEThe Tragedy Of Tragedies Or The Life And Death Of Tom Thumb The GreatHenry Fielding29318th Century CEEngland
1731 CEErasmus Montanus or Rasmus BergLudvig Holberg29318th Century CEDenmark
1731 CEThe London MerchantGeorge Lillo29318th Century CEEngland
1730 CELe jeu de l’amour et du hasardPierre de Marivaux29418th Century CEFrance
1729 CEA Modest ProposalJonathan Swift29518th Century CEIreland
1728 CELa Vie de MariannePierre de Marivaux29618th Century CEFrance
1728 CEThe Beggar’s OperaJohn Gay29618th Century CEEngland
1728 CEThe DunciadAlexander Pope29618th Century CEEngland
1728 CEA Serious Call to a Devout and Holy LifeWilliam Law29618th Century CEEngland
1725 CEL’île des esclavesPierre de Marivaux29818th Century CEFrance
1726 CEGulliver’s TravelsJonathan Swift29818th Century CEIreland
1726 CEThe History of the Devil, As Well Ancient as ModernDaniel Defoe29818th Century CEEngland
1725 CENew ScienceGiambattista Vico29918th Century CEItaly
1724 CELa Fausse SuivantePierre de Marivaux30018th Century CEFrance
1723 CELa double inconstancePierre de Marivaux30118th Century CEFrance
1725 CESelected LettersMarie de Rabutin-Chantal de Sévigné30118th Century CEFrance
1724 CEFantomina; or, Love in a MazeEliza Fowler Haywood30218th Century CEEngland
1724 CERoxanaDaniel Defoe30218th Century CEEngland
1724 CEA General History of the PyratesDaniel Defoe30218th Century CEEngland
1722 CEMoll FlandersDaniel Defoe30418th Century CEEngland
1722 CEA Journal of the Plague YearDaniel Defoe30418th Century CEEngland
1722 CEJeppe of the HillLudvig Holberg30418th Century CENorweigen
1722 CEThe Conscious Lovers: A Comedy In Five ActsRichard Steele30418th Century CEUnited Kingdom
1722 CEThe Wonderful Wonder of WondersJonathan Swift30418th Century CEIreland
1721 CEPersian LettersMontesquieu30518th Century CEFrance
1721 CEThe Love Suicide at AmijimaChikamatsu Monzaemon30518th Century CEJapan
1720 CECaptain SingletonDaniel Defoe30618th Century CEEngland
1719 CERobinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe30718th Century CEEngland
1719 CELove in ExcessEliza Fowler Haywood30718th Century CEEngland
1719 CEThe Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (Robinson Crusoe, #2)Daniel Defoe30718th Century CEEngland
1717 CEEloisa to AbelardAlexander Pope30918th Century CEEngland
1714 CEThe Fable of the Bees or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, Vol 2Bernard Mandeville31018th Century CEEngland
1716 CEHagakure: The Book of the SamuraiYamamoto Tsunetomo31018th Century CEJapan
1716 CEPhilosophical EssaysGottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz31018th Century CEGermany
1712 CEThe History of John BullJohn Arbuthnot31118th Century CEEngland
1714 CEG. W. Leibniz’s Monadology: An Edition for StudentsGottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz31218th Century CEGermany
1714 CEThe Fable of the Bees: Or Private Vices, Publick Benefits, Vol 1Bernard Mandeville31218th Century CEEngland
1713 CEThree Dialogues Between Hylas and PhilonousGeorge Berkeley31318th Century CEEngland
1711 CEAn Essay On CriticismAlexander Pope31318th Century CEEngland
1712 CEThe Rape of the LockAlexander Pope31418th Century CEEngland
1712 CECato: A Tragedy, and Selected EssaysJoseph Addison31418th Century CEEngland
1710 CEA Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human KnowledgeGeorge Berkeley31418th Century CEEngland
1709 CEAn Essay Towards a New Theory of VisionGeorge Berkeley31518th Century CEEngland
1710 CEPrinciples of Human KnowledgeGeorge Berkeley31618th Century CEEngland
1707 CEThe Beaux’ StratagemGeorge Farquhar31718th Century CEEngland
1712 CEHet Wederzyds Huwelyks Bedrog : blijspelPieter Langendijk31818th Century CENetherlands
1706 CEMatthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole BibleMatthew Henry31818th Century CEEngland
1706 CEOf the Conduct of the UnderstandingJohn Locke31818th Century CEEngland
1706 CEThe Recruiting OfficerGeorge Farquhar31818th Century CEEngland
1705 CEThe Fable of the BeesBernard Mandeville31918th Century CEEngland
1704 CEOpticksIsaac Newton32018th Century CEEngland
1704 CEA Tale of a TubJonathan Swift32018th Century CEEngland
1702 CEThe Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel SketchesMatsuo Bashō32218th Century CEJapan
1700 CEThe Way of the WorldWilliam Congreve32417th Century CEEngland
1700 CEThe Selling Of JosephSamuel Sewall32417th Century CEUnited States
1699 CETelemachusFrançois Fénelon32517th Century CEFrance
1699 CEThe Peach Blossom FanKong Shangren32517th Century CEChina
1698 CEThe Fairy Tales Of Madame d’AulnoyMarie-Catherine d’Aulnoy32517th Century CEFrance
1698 CEThe Celestial Worlds Discovered: Celestial Worlds DiscoChristiaan Huygens32517th Century CENetherlands
1698 CEPersinetteCharlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force32617th Century CEFrance
1697 CEPerrault’s Fairy TalesCharles Perrault32717th Century CEFrance
1695 CEOroonoko: A PlayThomas Southerne32917th Century CEEngland
1695 CELove for LoveWilliam Congreve32917th Century CEEngland
1695 CEPsalmodia polskaWespazjan Kochowski32917th Century CEPoland
1696 CEThe RelapseJohn Vanbrugh33017th Century CEEngland
1694 CEThe Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel SketchesMatsuo Bashō33017th Century CEJapan
1693 CESome Thoughts Concerning EducationJohn Locke33117th Century CEEngland
1693 CEThe Double DealerWilliam Congreve33117th Century CEEngland
1693 CEOn Witchcraft: Being, The Wonders of the Invisible WorldCotton Mather33117th Century CEUnited States
1693 CEWonders of the Invisible WorldRobert Calef (Editor)33117th Century CEUnited States
1692 CEThe Practice of the Presence of GodBrother Lawrence33217th Century CEFrance
1692 CEThe Secret CommonwealthRobert Kirk33217th Century CEScotland
1691 CEThe Answer / La RespuestaJuana Inés de la Cruz33317th Century CEMexico
1691 CERacine – Athalie: Tragedie Tiree De l’Ecriture Sainte, 1691Jean Racine33317th Century CEFrance
1691 CEMonkey’s RaincoatMatsuo Bashō33317th Century CEJapan
1689 CEThe Widdow Ranter Or The History Of Bacon In VirginiaAphra Behn33417th Century CEEngland
1690 CETreatise on LightChristiaan Huygens33417th Century CENetherlands
1689 CEThe Divine NarcissusJuana Inés de la Cruz33517th Century CEMexico
1689 CEA Letter Concerning TolerationJohn Locke33517th Century CEEngland
1689 CEThe History Of The Nun Or The Fair Vow BreakerAphra Behn33517th Century CEEngland
1689 CEEstherJean Racine33517th Century CEFrance
1689 CEAn Essay Concerning Human UnderstandingJohn Locke33517th Century CEEngland
1689 CESecond Treatise of GovernmentJohn Locke33517th Century CEEngland
1689 CETwo Treatises of GovernmentJohn Locke33517th Century CEEngland
1688 CEOroonokoAphra Behn33617th Century CEEngland
1688 CELes CaractèresJean de La Bruyère33617th Century CEFrance
1688 CEPalace of Eternal Youth – Echo of ClassicsHong Sheng33617th Century CEChina
1686 CEDiscourse on Metaphysics and the MonadologyGottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz33717th Century CEGermany
1687 CEKuunmong: The Cloud Dream of the NineKim Manjung33717th Century CEKorea
1687 CEThe Principia : Mathematical Principles of Natural PhilosophyIsaac Newton33717th Century CEEngland
1687 CEComrade Loves of the SamuraiSaikaku Ihara33717th Century CEJapan
1687 CEDe gekroonde laarsMichiel de Swaen33717th Century CENetherlands
1686 CEA Book of Wisdom and LiesSulkhan-Saba Orbeliani33817th Century CEGeorgia
1686 CEThe Life of an Amorous ManSaikaku Ihara33817th Century CEJapan
1686 CEThe Luckey Chance Or An Alderman’s BargainAphra Behn33817th Century CEEngland
1686 CEConversations on the Plurality of WorldsBernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle33817th Century CEFrance
1685 CEFive Women Who Loved Love: Amorous Tales from 17th-Century JapanSaikaku Ihara33917th Century CEJapan
1684 CEThe Glory of ChristJohn Owen34017th Century CEEngland
1684 CELove-Letters Between a Nobleman and His SisterAphra Behn34017th Century CEEngland
1683 CELos empeños de una casaJuana Inés de la Cruz34217th Century CEMexico
1682 CESome Fruits of Solitude In Reflections And MaximsWilliam Penn34217th Century CEEngland
1682 CEThe Holy WarJohn Bunyan34217th Century CEEngland
1682 CENarrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary RowlandsonMary Rowlandson34217th Century CEUnited States
1682 CEVarious Thoughts on Occasion of a CometPierre Bayle34217th Century CENetherlands
1682 CEVenice Preserved, or a Plot DiscoveredThomas Otway34217th Century CEEngland
1681 CEAbsalom and AchitophelJohn Dryden34317th Century CEEngland
1681 CEBehemothThomas Hobbes34317th Century CEEngland
1680 CEPatriarcha; or, the Natural Power of KingsRobert Filmer34417th Century CEEngland
1680 CEThe Orphan: Or the Unhappy MarriageThomas Otway34417th Century CEEngland
1679 CEStrange Tales from a Chinese StudioPu Songling34517th Century CEChina
1678 CEThe Pilgrim’s ProgressJohn Bunyan34617th Century CEEngland
1678 CEThe Princesse de ClèvesMadame de La Fayette34617th Century CEFrance
1678 CEThe Buccaneers of AmericaAlexandre Olivier Exquemelin34617th Century CENetherlands
1677 CEEthicsBaruch Spinoza34717th Century CENetherlands
1677 CEOn the Improvement of UnderstandingBaruch Spinoza34717th Century CENetherlands
1677 CEAll for LoveJohn Dryden34717th Century CEEngland
1677 CEPhèdreJean Racine34717th Century CEFrance
1677 CEThe RoverAphra Behn34717th Century CEEngland
1676 CEThe Man of ModeGeorge Etherege34817th Century CEEngland
1675 CECountry WifeWilliam Wycherley34917th Century CEEngland
1675 CEThe Diary of Henry Teonge, Chaplain on Board His Majesty’s Ships Assistance, Bristol, and Royal Oak, Anno 1675 to 1679Henry Teonge34917th Century CEEngland
1674 CEThe Holy SpiritJohn Owen35017th Century CEEngland
1674 CEIphigénieJean Racine35017th Century CEFrance
1673 CELe Malade imaginaireMolière35117th Century CEFrance
1673 CEMarriage a la ModeJohn Dryden35117th Century CEEngland
1672 CELes Femmes SavantesMolière35217th Century CEFrance
1672 CEBajazetJean Racine35217th Century CEFrance
1672 CEAlmanzor and Almahide, or the Conquest of GranadaJohn Dryden35217th Century CEEngland
1671 CESamson AgonistesJohn Milton35317th Century CEEngland
1671 CEParadise RegainedJohn Milton35317th Century CEEngland
1671 CELes Fourberies de ScapinMolière35317th Century CEFrance
1670 CEPenséesBlaise Pascal35417th Century CEFrance
1670 CELe Bourgeois GentilhommeMolière35417th Century CEFrance
1670 CEA Theologico-Political Treatise: A Political TreatiseBaruch Spinoza35417th Century CENetherlands
1670 CEBéréniceJean Racine35417th Century CEFrance
1667 CEParadise LostJohn Milton35517th Century CEEngland
1669 CEThe Letters Of A Portuguese NunMariana Alcoforado35517th Century CEPortugal
1669 CEBritannicusJean Racine35517th Century CEFrance
1669 CEThe Life of Courage: The notorious Thief, Whore and VagabondHans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen35517th Century CEGermany
1667 CEAndromaqueJean Racine35517th Century CEFrance
1669 CEWojna chocimska: poemat w 10 częściachWacław Potocki35517th Century CEPoland
1668 CEFablesJean de la Fontaine35617th Century CEFrance
1668 CEL’avareMolière35617th Century CEFrance
1668 CEAmphitryonMolière35617th Century CEFrance
1668 CEGeorge DandinMolière35617th Century CEFrance
1668 CELes PlaideursJean Racine35617th Century CEFrance
1668 CEEssay Of Dramatick PoesieJohn Dryden35617th Century CEEngland
1668 CESimplicissimusHans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen35617th Century CEGermany
1667 CEIndwelling Sin In BelieversJohn Owen35717th Century CEEngland
1666 CEThe MisanthropeMolière35817th Century CEFrance
1666 CELe Médecin Malgré LuiMolière35817th Century CEFrance
1666 CEThe Blazing World and Other WritingsMargaret Cavendish35817th Century CEEngland
1666 CEGrace Abounding to the Chief of SinnersJohn Bunyan35817th Century CEEngland
1665 CEDon JuanMolière35917th Century CEFrance
1665 CEMaximsFrançois de La Rochefoucauld35917th Century CEFrance
1665 CEMicrographia: Or Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses With Observations and Inquiries ThereuponRobert Hooke35917th Century CEEngland
1665 CEL’Amour MédecinMolière35917th Century CEFrance
1665 CEHistoire amoureuse des GaulesRoger de Rabutin35917th Century CEFrance
1664 CETartuffeMolière36017th Century CEFrance
1604 CESri Guru Granth SahibGuru Nanak36017th Century CEIndia
1663 CEL’Impromptu de VersaillesMolière36117th Century CEFrance
1663 CEHudibrasSamuel Butler36117th Century CEEngland
1663 CEPrinciples of Cartesian Philosophy with Metaphysical Thoughts & Lodewijk Meyer’s Inaugural DissertationBaruch Spinoza36117th Century CENetherlands
1663 CEAll Things for GoodThomas Watson36117th Century CEEngland
1662 CELa Princesse de MontpensierMadame de La Fayette36217th Century CEFrance
1662 CEL’École des FemmesMolière36217th Century CEFrance
1661 CEThe Sceptical ChymistRobert Boyle36317th Century CEEngland
1661 CEFumifugiumJohn Evelyn36317th Century CEEngland
1661 CEL’École Des MarisMolière36317th Century CEFrance
1661 CELes FâcheuxMolière36317th Century CEFrance
1660 CEThe Diary of Samuel PepysSamuel Pepys36417th Century CEEngland
1660 CEThe Imaginary CuckoldMolière36417th Century CEFrance
1660 CEAgneta Horns leverne: Efter Ellen Fries efterlämnade manuskriptAgneta Horn36417th Century CESweden
1659 CELes Précieuses RidiculesMolière36517th Century CEFrance
1658 CEUrne BurialThomas Browne36617th Century CEEngland
1658 CEThe Garden of CyrusThomas Browne36617th Century CEEngland
1657 CEA Tower for the Summer HeatLi Yu36717th Century CEChina
1657 CECommunion with GodJohn Owen36717th Century CEEngland
1657 CEWomen Beware WomenThomas Middleton36717th Century CEEngland
1656 CEThe Mortification of SinJohn Owen36817th Century CEEngland
1656 CEThe Commonwealth of OceanaJames Harrington36817th Century CEEngland
1656 CELe Dépit AmoureuxMolière36817th Century CEFrance
1655 CEL’Étourdi ou Les Contre-TempsMolière36917th Century CEFrance
1654 CEClelieMadeleine de Scudéry37017th Century CEFrance
1654 CELuciferJoost van den Vondel37017th Century CENetherlands
1654 CEA Heavenly ConferenceRichard Sibbes37017th Century CEEngland
1653 CEThe Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Man’s RecreationIzaak Walton37117th Century CEEngland
1637 CEEl HéroeBaltasar Gracián y Morales37217th Century CESpain
1652 CEPrecious Remedies Against Satan’s DevicesThomas Brooks37217th Century CEEngland
1651 CELeviathanThomas Hobbes37317th Century CEEngland
1651 CELe Roman comiquePaul Scarron37317th Century CEFrance
1651 CEEl CriticónBaltasar Gracián37317th Century CESpain
1651 CEPlum Shadows and Plank Bridge: Two Memoirs about CourtesansXiang Mao (Contributor)37317th Century CEChina
1650 CEHistoire Comique Des Etats Et Empires de La Lune Et Du SoleilCyrano de Bergerac37417th Century CEFrance
1650 CELustgebedLi Yu37417th Century CEChina
1649 CEArtamène ou Le Grand CyrusMadeleine de Scudéry37517th Century CEFrance
1649 CEThe Passions of the SoulRené Descartes37517th Century CEFrance
1649 CEThe Lucasta PoemsRichard Lovelace37517th Century CEEngland
1648 CEThe Death of Death in the Death of ChristJohn Owen37617th Century CEEngland
1647 CEThe Pocket Oracle and Art of PrudenceBaltasar Gracián37717th Century CESpain
1647 CESpaenschen Brabander Jerolimo (1647) (Chinese Edition)G.A. Bredero37717th Century CENetherlands
1647 CEThe Custom of the CountryJohn Fletcher37717th Century CEEngland
1647 CESzigeti veszedelemMiklós Zrínyi37717th Century CEHungary
1646 CESir Thomas Browne’s Pseudodoxia EpidemicaThomas Browne37817th Century CEEngland
1645 CEPoems Of John MiltonJohn Milton37917th Century CEEngland
1645 CEA Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to StrategyMiyamoto Musashi37917th Century CEJapan
1645 CEL’allegro and Il penseroso (The Merrill literary casebook series) (Italian Edition)John Milton37917th Century CEEngland
1645 CEPoesía variaFrancisco de Quevedo37917th Century CESpain
1644 CEThe Complete Writings of Roger Williams – Volume 3: Bloudy Tenent of PersecutionRoger Williams38017th Century CEUnited States
1644 CERodogune: Princesse Des Parthes, TragédiePierre Corneille38017th Century CEFrance
1644 CELe MenteurPierre Corneille38017th Century CEFrance
1644 CEAreopagiticaJohn Milton38017th Century CEEngland
1644 CEPrinciples of PhilosophyRené Descartes38017th Century CEFrance
1643 CEReligio MediciThomas Browne38117th Century CEEngland
1642 CEOn the CitizenThomas Hobbes38217th Century CEEngland
1642 CEPolyeuctePierre Corneille38217th Century CEFrance
1641 CECinnaPierre Corneille38317th Century CEFrance
1641 CEMeditations on First PhilosophyRené Descartes38317th Century CEFrance
1640 CEHuman Nature and De Corpore PoliticoThomas Hobbes38417th Century CEEngland
1640 CEHoracePierre Corneille38417th Century CEFrance
1639 CEThe Love of Christ: Expository Sermons on Verses from Song of Solomon Chapters 4-6Richard Sibbes38517th Century CEEngland
1637 CEGijsbrecht van AmstelJoost van den Vondel38717th Century CENetherlands
1637 CELycidasJohn Milton38717th Century CEEngland
1637 CEDiscourse on Method and Meditations on First PhilosophyRené Descartes38717th Century CEFrance
1637 CEChinese Technology in the Seventeenth Century: T’ien-kung K’ai-wuSung Ying-hsing38717th Century CEChina
1637 CEThe Geometry of René Descartes: with a Facsimile of the First EditionRené Descartes38717th Century CEFrance
1637 CEEl mágico prodigiosoPedro Calderón de la Barca38717th Century CESpain
1637 CENo hay burlas con el amorPedro Calderón de la Barca38717th Century CESpain
1637 CEEl médico de su honraPedro Calderón de la Barca38717th Century CESpain
1636 CELe CidPierre Corneille38817th Century CEFrance
1636 CEL’Illusion ComiquePierre Corneille38817th Century CEFrance
1636 CEEl alcalde de ZalameaPedro Calderón de la Barca38817th Century CESpain
1636 CEThe Diary of 1636: The Second Manchu Invasion of KoreaNa Man’gap38817th Century CEKorea
1635 CELa vida es sueñoPedro Calderón de la Barca38917th Century CESpain
1635 CEEl condenado por desconfiadoTirso de Molina38917th Century CESpain
1634 CEThe Tale of TalesGiambattista Basile39017th Century CEItaly
1634 CEMilton’s ComusJohn Milton39017th Century CEEngland
1634 CEThe Two Noble KinsmenWilliam Shakespeare39017th Century CEEngland
1634 CESomnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar AstronomyJohannes Kepler39017th Century CEGermany
1634 CEThe Devils of LoudunDes Niau39017th Century CEFrance
1634 CEThe chronicle history of Perkin Warbeck;: A strange truthJohn Ford39017th Century CEEngland
1633 CETis Pity She’s a WhoreJohn Ford39117th Century CEEngland
1633 CEThe Temple: The Poetry of George HerbertGeorge Herbert39117th Century CEEngland
1633 CEHoly SonnetsJohn Donne39117th Century CEEngland
1633 CEBroken HeartJohn Ford39117th Century CEEngland
1632 CEDialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems: Ptolemaic and CopernicanGalileo Galilei39217th Century CEItaly
1632 CEThe Life-Giving Sword: The Secret Teachings From the House of the ShogunYagyu Munenori39217th Century CEJapan
1631 CEEl castigo sin venganzaLope de Vega39317th Century CESpain
1630 CEOf Plymouth PlantationWilliam Bradford39417th Century CEUnited States
1630 CEA Chaste Maid in CheapsideThomas Middleton39417th Century CEEngland
1630 CEThe Bruised ReedRichard Sibbes39417th Century CEEngland
1630 CEEl burlador de SevillaTirso de Molina39417th Century CESpain
1629 CEThe Lover’s MelancholyJohn Ford39517th Century CEEngland
1628 CERules for the Direction of the MindRené Descartes39617th Century CEFrance
1628 CEOn The Motion Of The Heart And Blood In AnimalsWilliam Harvey39617th Century CEEngland
1627 CELe Berger ExtravagantCharles Sorel39717th Century CEFrance
1627 CELos sueñosFrancisco de Quevedo39717th Century CESpain
1627 CEStories to Awaken the World: A Ming Dynasty Collection, Volume 3Feng Menglong39717th Century CEChina
1626 CEThe New AtlantisFrancis Bacon39817th Century CEEngland
1626 CEHistoria de la vida del BuscónFrancisco de Quevedo39817th Century CESpain
1625 CEThe Staple of News: by Ben JonsonBen Jonson39917th Century CEEngland
1625 CEThe Rights Of War And Peace: Three Volume SetHugo Grotius39917th Century CENetherlands
1625 CEGuide to Goodness (Dalail al-khayrat)Muhammad al-Jazuli39917th Century CEMorocco
1624 CEMeditation XVII – Meditation 17John Donne40017th Century CEEngland
1624 CEDevotions Upon Emergent Occasions and Death’s DuelJohn Donne40017th Century CEEngland
1624 CEStories to Caution the World: A Ming Dynasty Collection, Volume 2Feng Menglong40017th Century CEChina
1623 CEHistoire comique de FrancionCharles Sorel40117th Century CEFrance
1623 CEKing JohnWilliam Shakespeare40117th Century CEEngland
1623 CEThe Winter’s TaleWilliam Shakespeare40117th Century CEEngland
1623 CEComedies, Histories, and Tragedies: A Facsimile of the First Folio, 1623Doug Moston40117th Century CEEngland
1623 CEAll’s Well That Ends WellWilliam Shakespeare40117th Century CEEngland
1623 CETimon of AthensWilliam Shakespeare40117th Century CEEngland
1623 CELa DoroteaLope de Vega40117th Century CESpain
1623 CEAntony and CleopatraWilliam Shakespeare40117th Century CEEngland
1623 CEMacbethWilliam Shakespeare40117th Century CEEngland
1622 CEThe ChangelingThomas Middleton40217th Century CEEngland
1622 CEThe Sea VoyageJohn Fletcher40217th Century CEEngland
1621 CEThe Anatomy of MelancholyRobert Burton40317th Century CEEngland
1621 CEThe Witch of EdmontonThomas Dekker40317th Century CEEngland
1620 CEBertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno (col di Adriano Banchieri)Giulio Cesare Croce40417th Century CEItaly
1620 CEThe New OrganonFrancis Bacon40417th Century CEEngland
1620 CEEl caballero de OlmedoLope de Vega40417th Century CESpain
1620 CEStories Old and New: A Ming Dynasty CollectionFeng Menglong40417th Century CEChina
1619 CEHarmonies of the World (On the Shoulders of Giants, Book 5)Johannes Kepler40517th Century CEGermany
1619 CEA King and No KingFrancis Beaumont40517th Century CEEngland
1619 CEFuenteovejunaLope de Vega40517th Century CESpain
1618 CEThe Dog in the MangerLope de Vega40617th Century CESpain
1618 CEEpitome of Copernican Astronomy and Harmonies of the World (Great Minds Series)Johannes Kepler40617th Century CEGermany
1618 CEVida del escudero Marcos de ObregónVicente Espinel40617th Century CESpain
1617 CELos trabajos de Persiles y SigismundaMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra40717th Century CESpain
1617 CEWarenarP.C. Hooft40717th Century CENetherlands
1616 CETo PenshurstBen Jonson40817th Century CEEngland
1616 CELa estrella de SevillaLope de Vega40817th Century CESpain
1616 CELes TragiquesThéodore Agrippa d’Aubigné40817th Century CEFrance
1616 CEThe Scornful LadyFrancis Beaumont40817th Century CEEngland
1615 CEPedro de Urdemalas (Teatro)Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra40917th Century CESpain
1615 CEDon Gil de las calzas verdesTirso de Molina40917th Century CESpain
1615 CEDon Quixote de La Mancha, Vol. 1Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra40917th Century CESpain
1614 CEPeribáñez y el comendador de OcañaLope de Vega41017th Century CESpain
1614 CEThe Duchess of MalfiJohn Webster41017th Century CEEngland
1614 CEThe Historie of the World. In five bookes by Sir Walter Ralegh, KnightWalter Raleigh41017th Century CEEngland
1613 CENovelas ejemplares (Volumen 1)Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra41117th Century CESpain
1613 CEThe Tragedy of MariamElizabeth Cary41117th Century CEEngland
1613 CEThe WitchThomas Middleton41117th Century CEEngland
1613 CEHenry VIIIWilliam Shakespeare41117th Century CEEngland
1613 CESoledadesLuis de Góngora y Argote41117th Century CESpain
1612 CEFuneral ElegyWilliam Shakespeare41217th Century CEEngland
1612 CEFábula de Polifemo y GalateaLuis de Góngora y Argote41217th Century CESpain
1612 CEThe White DevilJohn Webster41217th Century CEEngland
1611 CECardenio; Or, the Second Maiden’s TragedyWilliam Shakespeare41317th Century CEEngland
1611 CEThe Holy Bible: King James VersionAnonymous41317th Century CEEngland
1609 CEThe PoemsWilliam Shakespeare41418th Century CEEngland
1610 CEThe Plum in the Golden VaseLanling Xiaoxiao Sheng41417th Century CEChina
1610 CEThe Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P’ing Mei: Volume Four: The ClimaxLanling Xiaoxiao Sheng41417th Century CEChina
1610 CEThe Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P’ing Mei: Volume Five: The DissolutionLanling Xiaoxiao Sheng41417th Century CEChina
1610 CEPhilasterFrancis Beaumont41417th Century CEEngland
1610 CESidereus Nuncius, or The Sidereal MessengerGalileo Galilei41417th Century CEItaly
1610 CEThe TempestWilliam Shakespeare41417th Century CEEngland
1610 CEThe AlchemistBen Jonson41417th Century CEEngland
1610 CEThe Plum in the Golden Vase Or, Chin P’Ing Mei: Volume Two: The RivalsLanling Xiaoxiao Sheng41417th Century CEChina
1609 CEEpicoene or The Silent WomanBen Jonson41517th Century CEEngland
1609 CEPericlesWilliam Shakespeare41517th Century CEEngland
1609 CEThe Holy Bible, Douay-Rheims VersionAnonymous41517th Century CEEngland
1609 CEIntroduction to the Devout LifeFrancis de Sales41517th Century CEFrance
1608 CEA Mad World, My MastersThomas Middleton41617th Century CEEngland
1608 CEA Yorkshire TragedyThomas Middleton41617th Century CEEngland
1608 CEThe Maid’s TragedyFrancis Beaumont41617th Century CEEngland
1608 CETrick to Catch the Old One (The New Mermaid Series)Thomas Middleton41617th Century CEEngland
1607 CEL’AstréeHonoré d’Urfé41717th Century CEFrance
1607 CEThe Roaring GirlThomas Dekker41717th Century CEEngland
1607 CEThe Knight of the Burning PestleFrancis Beaumont41717th Century CEEngland
1606 CEKing LearWilliam Shakespeare41817th Century CEEngland
1606 CEThe Revenger’s TragedyThomas Middleton41817th Century CEEngland
1605 CEDon Quixote de La Mancha II (Don Quijote de la Mancha, #2)Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra41917th Century CESpain
1605 CEVolponeBen Jonson41917th Century CEEngland
1605 CECoriolanusWilliam Shakespeare41917th Century CEEngland
1605 CEThe Advancement of LearningFrancis Bacon41917th Century CEEngland
1605 CEEastward Ho!Ben Jonson41917th Century CEEngland
1604 CEMeasure for MeasureWilliam Shakespeare42017th Century CEEngland
1604 CEOthelloWilliam Shakespeare42017th Century CEEngland
1603 CEAs You Like ItWilliam Shakespeare42117th Century CEEngland
1613 CELa dama bobaLope de Vega42117th Century CESpain
1603 CEThe MalcontentJohn Marston42117th Century CEEngland
1603 CESejanus his FallBen Jonson42117th Century CEEngland
1602 CETwelfth NightWilliam Shakespeare42217th Century CEEngland
1602 CEThe City of the SunTommaso Campanella42217th Century CEItaly
1602 CEThe Merry Wives of WindsorWilliam Shakespeare42217th Century CEEngland
1602 CETroilus and CressidaWilliam Shakespeare42217th Century CEEngland
1611 CECymbelineWilliam Shakespeare42317th Century CEEngland
1601 CEHamletWilliam Shakespeare42317th Century CEEngland
1601 CEThe Phoenix and the TurtleWilliam Shakespeare42317th Century CEEngland
1600 CEThe Worth of WomenModerata Fonte42416th Century CEItaly
1600 CEΕρωτόκριτοςVitsentzos Kornaros42416th Century CEGreece
1600 CELibrary of Chinese Classics–a Dream Under the Southern BoughTang Xianzu (Dynasty Ming)42416th Century CEChina
1600 CEΕρωτόκριτοςVitsentzos Kornaros42416th Century CEGreece
1600 CEΗ θυσία του ΑβραάμVitsentzos Kornaros42416th Century CEGreece
1598 CEThe Two Gentlemen of VeronaWilliam Shakespeare42516th Century CEEngland
1599 CETo the QueenWilliam Shakespeare42516th Century CEEngland
1599 CEThe Shoemaker’s HolidayThomas Dekker42516th Century CEEngland
1599 CEThomas Of ReadingThomas Deloney42516th Century CEEngland
1599 CEJulius CaesarWilliam Shakespeare42516th Century CEEngland
1599 CEHenry VWilliam Shakespeare42516th Century CEEngland
1598 CEMuch Ado About NothingWilliam Shakespeare42616th Century CEEngland
1598 CEThe Peony PavilionXianzu Tang42616th Century CEChina
1598 CEHero and LeanderChristopher Marlowe42616th Century CEEngland
1598 CEEvery Man in His HumourBen Jonson42616th Century CEEngland
1597 CELove’s Labour’s LostWilliam Shakespeare42716th Century CEEngland
1597 CERomeo and JulietWilliam Shakespeare42716th Century CEEngland
1597 CEKing Henry IV, Part 1William Shakespeare42716th Century CEEngland
1597 CEThe EssaysFrancis Bacon42716th Century CEEngland
1597 CEKazania sejmowePiotr Skarga42716th Century CEPoland
1596 CEThe Merchant of VeniceWilliam Shakespeare42816th Century CEEngland
1596 CEHenry IV, Part TwoWilliam Shakespeare42816th Century CEEngland
1596 CEKing Edward IIIWilliam Shakespeare42816th Century CEEngland
1595 CERichard IIWilliam Shakespeare42916th Century CEEngland
1595 CEAmorettiEdmund Spenser42916th Century CEEngland
1595 CEA Defence of PoetryPhilip Sidney42916th Century CEEngland
1595 CEA Midsummer Night’s DreamWilliam Shakespeare42916th Century CEEngland
1595 CEΕρωφίληΓεώργιος Χορτάτσης42916th Century CEGreece
1594 CEEpithalamionEdmund Spenser43016th Century CEEngland
1594 CEThe Comedy of ErrorsWilliam Shakespeare43016th Century CEEngland
1594 CETitus AndronicusWilliam Shakespeare43016th Century CEEngland
1594 CEThe Tragedy of Dido Queene of CarthageChristopher Marlowe43016th Century CEEngland
1594 CEThe Unfortunate Traveller: Or, the Life of Jack WiltonThomas Nashe43016th Century CEEngland
1594 CEThe Rape of LucreceWilliam Shakespeare43016th Century CEEngland
1594 CEThe Terrors of the NightThomas Nashe43016th Century CEEngland
1593 CEVenus and AdonisWilliam Shakespeare43116th Century CEEngland
1593 CEThe Massacre At Paris: With The Death Of The Duke Of GuiseChristopher Marlowe43116th Century CEEngland
1593 CEOf the Laws of Ecclesiastical PolityRichard Hooker43116th Century CEEngland
1593 CEThe Countess of Pembroke’s ArcadiaPhilip Sidney43116th Century CEEngland
1592 CEDr. FaustusChristopher Marlowe43216th Century CEEngland
1592 CEThe Taming of the ShrewWilliam Shakespeare43216th Century CEEngland
1592 CERichard IIIWilliam Shakespeare43216th Century CEEngland
1592 CEMonkey: The Journey to the WestWu Cheng’en43216th Century CEChina
1592 CEEdward IIChristopher Marlowe43216th Century CEEngland
1592 CEThe Spanish TragedyThomas Kyd43216th Century CEEngland
1592 CEThe Journey to the West, Volume 1Wu Cheng’en43216th Century CEChina
1592 CEThe Journey to the West, Volume 2Wu Cheng’en43216th Century CEChina
1592 CEThe Journey to the West, Volume 4Wu Cheng’en43216th Century CEChina
1592 CEThe Journey to the West, Volume 3Wu Cheng’en43216th Century CEChina
1592 CEArden of FevershamAnonymous43216th Century CEEngland
1590 CEThe Jew of MaltaChristopher Marlowe43316th Century CEEngland
1591 CEKing Henry VI, Part 2William Shakespeare (Co-author)43316th Century CEEngland
1591 CEKing Henry VI, Part 3William Shakespeare43316th Century CEEngland
1591 CEHenry VI, Part 1William Shakespeare43316th Century CEEngland
1591 CESir Thomas MoreAnthony Munday43316th Century CEEngland
1590 CEThe Faerie QueeneEdmund Spenser43416th Century CEEngland
1590 CERosalynde Or, Euphues’ Golden LegacyThomas Lodge43416th Century CEEngland
1590 CERussia at the Close of the Sixteenth Century: Comprising the Treatise Of the Russe Common Wealth…Giles Fletcher the Elder43416th Century CERussia
1589 CEVoyages and Discoveries: Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English NationRichard Hakluyt43516th Century CEEngland
1589 CELa ragion di StatoGiovanni Botero43516th Century CEItaly
1589 CECaptain Cuellar’s Adventures in Connaught and Ulster, A.D. 1588Francisco De Cuellar43516th Century CESpain
1588 CEThe Greatness of CitiesGiovanni Botero43616th Century CEItaly
1587 CETamburlaineChristopher Marlowe43716th Century CEEngland
1587 CEHistoria von D. Johann FaustenAnonymous43716th Century CEGermany
1587 CEA CastroAntónio Ferreira43716th Century CEPortugal
1585 CEThe Heroic FrenziesGiordano Bruno43916th Century CEItaly
1585 CELa GalateaMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra43916th Century CESpain
1585 CECorrespondence Of Robert Dudley, Earl Of Leycester, During His Government Of The Low Countries In The Years 1585-86Robert Dudley43916th Century CEUnited Kingdom
1585 CEThe Cabala of PegasusGiordano Bruno43916th Century CEItaly
1584 CEExpulsion of the Triumphant BeastGiordano Bruno44016th Century CEItaly
1583 CEThe Way of PerfectionTeresa de Ávila44116th Century CESpain
1582 CECandelaiogiordano-bruno-isa-guerrini-angrisani44217th Century CEItaly
1582 CEDefense of Poesie, Astrophel and Stella and Other WritingsPhilip Sidney (editor)44216th Century CEEngland
1582 CEAstrophel And StellaPhilip Sidney44216th Century CEEngland
1582 CEBradamanteRobert Garnier44216th Century CEFance
1581 CEFloridoro: A Chivalric RomanceModerata Fonte44317th Century CEItaly
1581 CEJerusalem DeliveredTorquato Tasso44416th Century CEItaly
1580 CELamentsJan Kochanowski44416th Century CEPoland
1580 CEThe Complete EssaysMichel de Montaigne44416th Century CEFrance
1580 CEEuphues and His England, the PlaysJohn Lyly44416th Century CEEngland
1579 CEDark Night of the SoulJohn of the Cross44516th Century CESpain
1578 CEThe Ascent of Mount CarmelJohn of the Cross44616th Century CESpain
1578 CEHistory of a Voyage to the Land of BrazilJean de Léry44616th Century CEFrance
1578 CESonnets pour HélènePierre de Ronsard44616th Century CEFrance
1577 CEOdprawa posłów greckichJan Kochanowski44717th Century CEPoland
1577 CEChronicles of England, Scotland, and IrelandRaphael Holinshed44716th Century CEEngland
1577 CEInterior CastleTeresa de Ávila44716th Century CESpain
1577 CEPseudomonarchia DaemonumJohann Weyer44716th Century CENetherlands
1576 CEOn Sovereignty: Six Books of the CommonwealthJean Bodin44816th Century CEFrance
1565 CEFourth Book of Occult PhilosophyCornelius Agrippa44916th Century CEGermany
1573 CEAmintaTorquato Tasso45116th Century CEItaly
1573 CEOn Monsters and MarvelsAmbroise Paré45116th Century CEFance
1572 CEThe LusiadsLuís de Camões45216th Century CEPortugal
1571 CEAstronomia Magna: oder die ganze Philosophia sagax der großen und kleinen Welt (Kontexte)Paracelsus45316th Century CEGermany
1570 CEI quattro libri dell’architetturaAndrea Palladio45416th Century CEItaly
1570 CEThe Book of My LifeGirolamo Cardano45416th Century CEItaly
1569 CELa AraucanaAlonso de Ercilla45516th Century CESpain
1567 CEThe Archidoxes of MagicParacelsus45716th Century CESwitzerland
1566 CEYucatan Before and After the ConquestDiego de Landa45816th Century CEMexico
1565 CETeresa de Ávila45916th Century CESpain
1564 CEThe Book on Games of ChanceGirolamo Cardano46016th Century CEItaly
1563 CEThe Life of Saint Teresa of Ávila by HerselfJohn Foxe46116th Century CEEngland
1562 CENero. An Exemplary LifeGirolamo Cardano46216th Century CEItaly
1562 CEMicrocosme (Textes de La Renaissance)Maurice Scève46216th Century CEFrench
1568 CEThe Conquest of New SpainBernal Díaz del Castillo46616th Century CESpain
1558 CEThe HeptameronMarguerite de Navarre46616th Century CEFrance
1558 CEThe Autobiography of Benvenuto CelliniBenvenuto Cellini46616th Century CEItaly
1558 CEGalateoGiovanni della Casa46616th Century CEItaly
1558 CELes RegretsJoachim du Bellay46616th Century CEFrance
1558 CELes AntiquitésJoachim du Bellay46616th Century CEFrance
1556 CERibanje i ribarsko prigovaranjePetar Hektorović46816th Century CECroatia
1555 CEThe Prophecies of Nostradamus: Man Who Saw TomorrowNostradamus46916th Century CEFrance
1554 CELa vida de Lazarillo de TormesAnonymous47016th Century CESpain
1554 CEThe Popol VuhAnonymous47016th Century CEGuatemala
1554 CESkupMarin Držić47016th Century CECroatia
1553 CEBeware the Cat: The First English NovelWilliam Baldwin47116th Century CEEngland
1553 CEVita di Michelagnolo BuonarrotiAscanio Condivi47116th Century CEItaly
1552 CEA Short Account of the Destruction of the IndiesBartolomé de las Casas47216th Century CESpain
1552 CELes AmoursPierre de Ronsard47216th Century CEFrance
1551 CEDundo MarojeMarin Držić47316th Century CECroatia
1550 CENovela od StancaMarin Držić47416th Century CECroatia
1550 CEThe Lives of the ArtistsGiorgio Vasari47416th Century CEItaly
1550 CECreation of the Gods (Library of Chinese Classics: Chinese-English: 4 Volumes)Xu Zhonglin47416th Century CEChina
1550 CELeylâ ve Mecnun: Metin, Düzyazıya Çeviri, Notlar ve AçıklamalarFuzûlî47416th Century CEAzerbaijan
1549 CEThe First Book of Common Prayer of Edward VI and the Ordinal of 1549Henry Baskerville Walton47516th Century CEEngland
1548 CEThe Spiritual ExercisesIgnatius of Loyola47616th Century CESpain
1543 CEKrótka rozprawa między Panem, Wójtem i PlebanemMikołaj Rej48116th Century CEPoland
1543 CEThe Jews and Their LiesMartin Luther48116th Century CEGermany
1543 CEOn The Revolutions of Heavenly SpheresNicolaus Copernicus48116th Century CEPoland
1542 CEAdventures in the Unknown Interior of AmericaÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca48216th Century CESpain
1540 CEThe Constitutions of the Society of JesusIgnatius of Loyola (translator)48416th Century CESpain
1538 CEPlaninePetar Zoranić48616th Century CECroatia
1538 CEThe Human Figure: The Complete Dresden SketchbookAlbrecht Dürer48616th Century CEGerman
1539 CEA Reformation DebateJohn Calvin48716th Century CESwitzerland
1536 CEInstitutes of the Christian Religion, 2 VolsJohn Calvin48816th Century CESwitzerland
1536 CEZes dagen. Gesprekken over het hoerenbestaanPietro Aretino48816th Century CEItaly
1535 CECommentary on GalatiansMartin Luther48916th Century CEGermany
1535 CEMyles Coverdale Bible (Student’s Edition)Anonymous48916th Century CEEngland
1534 CEA Dialogue of Comfort Against TribulationThomas More49016th Century CEEngland
1534 CEDie BibelMartin Luther (Translator)49016th Century CEGermany
1534 CEDie Luther-Bibel von 1534: Kolorierte Faksimileausgabe, 2 Bde. u. BegleitbandStephan Fssel (Editor)49016th Century CEGermany
1533 CEThree Books of Occult PhilosophyCornelius Agrippa49116th Century CEGermany
1532 CEThe PrinceNiccolò Machiavelli49216th Century CEItaly
1532 CEGargantua and PantagruelFrançois Rabelais49216th Century CEFrance
1532 CEHistory of Florence And of the Affairs of ItalyNiccolò Machiavelli49216th Century CEItaly
1531 CEThe DiscoursesNiccolò Machiavelli49316th Century CEItaly
1531 CEThe Book Named The GovernorThomas Elyot49316th Century CEEngland
1530 CEThe Augsburg ConfessionPhilipp Melanchthon49416th Century CEGermany
1530 CEThe Baburnama: Memoirs of Babur, Prince and EmperorZahir ud-Din Muhammad Babur49416th Century CEIndia
1530 CEEverymanUnknown49416th Century CEEngland
1529 CEDialogue Concerning HeresiesThomas More49516th Century CEEngland
1529 CESmall Catechism, with ExplanationMartin Luther49516th Century CEGermany
1529 CEDeclamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female SexCornelius Agrippa49516th Century CEGermany
1528 CELove Letters of Henry VIII to Anne BoleynHenry VIII49616th Century CEEngland
1528 CELa lozana andaluzaFrancisco Delicado49616th Century CESpain
1528 CEThe Book of the CourtierBaldassare Castiglione49616th Century CEItaly
1527 CETruyền kỳ mạn lụcNguyễn Dữ49716th Century CEVietnam
1525 CEThe Bondage of the WillMartin Luther49916th Century CEGermany
1525 CEThe Novellino or One Hundred Ancient Tales: An Edition and Translation based on the 1525 Gualteruzzi editio princepsAnonymous49916th Century CEItaly
1525 CELetters from MexicoHernán Cortés49916th Century CEMexico
1524 CERelazione del primo viaggio intorno al mondoAntonio Pigafetta50016th Century CEItaly
1524 CEMandragolaNiccolò Machiavelli50016th Century CEItaly
1524 CESonetos LuxuriososPietro Aretino50016th Century CEItaly
1523 CEFarsa de Inês PereiraGil Vicente50116th Century CEPortugal
1521 CEAuto da Índia: Edição DidácticaGil Vicente50316th Century CEPortugal
1521 CEThe Art of WarNiccolò Machiavelli50316th Century CEItaly
1520 CEThe Life of Castruccio Castracani of LuccaNiccolò Machiavelli50416th Century CEItaly
1520 CEOn Christian LibertyMartin Luther50416th Century CEGermany
1520 CEA Treatise on Good WorksMartin Luther50416th Century CEGermany
1520 CEOn The Babylonian Captivity of the ChurchMartin Luther50416th Century CEGermany
1520 CEMomusLeon Battista Alberti50416th Century CEItaly
1517 CEAuto Da Barca Do InfernoGil Vicente50716th Century CEPortugal
1517 CEMartin Luther’s Ninety-Five ThesesMartin Luther50716th Century CEGermany
1517 CEAuto da Barca do InfernoGil Vicente50716th Century CEPortugal
1516 CEUtopiaThomas More50816th Century CEEngland
1516 CEOrlando FuriosoLudovico Ariosto50816th Century CEItaly
1515 CEMariken van Nieumeghen: Een mirakelspelAnonymous50916th Century CENetherlands
1513 CEExortação Da GuerraGil Vicente51116th Century CEPortugal
1512 CEMaxims and ReflectionsFrancesco Guicciardini51216th Century CEItaly
1511 CEMondo Nuovo (De Orbe Novo)Pietro Martire d’Anghiera51316th Century CEItaly
1511 CEPraise of FollyErasmus51316th Century CENetherlands
1509 CEAuto Da ÍndiaGil Vicente51516th Century CEPortugal
1509 CEFortunatus.Anonymous51516th Century CEUnknown
1508 CEAmadis of GaulGarci Rodríguez de Montalvo51616th Century CESpain
1501 CEThe Palis of HonoureGavin Douglas52316th Century CEScotland
1501 CEJuditaMarko Marulić52316th Century CECroatia
1500 CEA Carta de Pêro Vaz de CaminhaPêro Vaz de Caminha52415th Century CEBrazil
1500 CECent Nouvelles NouvellesAnonymous (editor)52415th Century CEFrance
1500 CEThe Story of Hong GildongAnonymous52415th Century CEKorea
1500 CESaudades: história de menina e moçaBernardim Ribeiro52415th Century CEPortugal
1499 CELa CelestinaFernando de Rojas52515th Century CESpain
1499 CEHypnerotomachia Poliphili: The Strife of Love in a DreamFrancesco Colonna52515th Century CEItaly
1497 CEColloquies Collected Works 39-40Erasmus52715th Century CENetherlands
1495 CEOrlando Innamorato: Orlando in LoveMatteo Maria Boiardo52915th Century CEItaly
1494 CEThe Ship of FoolsSebastian Brant53015th Century CEGerman
1493 CEPersonal narrative of the first voyage of Columbus to AmericaChristopher Columbus53115th Century CESpain
1492 CEThe Four Voyages: Being His Own Log-Book, Letters and Dispatches with Connecting NarrativesChristopher Columbus53217th Century CEItaly
1492 CECárcel de AmorDiego de San Pedro53215th Century CESpain
1492 CERevelations of St. Bridget: On the Life and Passion of Our Lord and the Life of His Blessed MotherBridget of Sweden53215th Century CESwedan
1490 CELeonardo’s NotebooksLeonardo da Vinci53415th Century CEItaly
1490 CETirant lo BlancJoanot Martorell53415th Century CESpain
1490 CEThe Testament of Cresseid & Seven FablesRobert Henryson53415th Century CEScotland
1490 CEThe Testament of CresseidRobert Henryson53415th Century CEScotland
1489 CEThree Books on LifeMarsilio Ficino53515th Century CEItaly
1489 CEMémoiresPhilippe de Commines53515th Century CEFrance
1486 CEThe Malleus MaleficarumHeinrich Kramer53815th Century CEGermany
1486 CEOration on the Dignity of ManGiovanni Pico della Mirandola53815th Century CEItaly
1485 CELe Morte d’Arthur: King Arthur and the Legends of the Round TableThomas Malory53915th Century CEEngland
1485 CEKing Arthur and His Knights: Selected TalesThomas Malory53915th Century CERussia
1485 CELa Farce de Maître PathelinUnknown53915th Century CEFrance
1484 CECommentary on Plato’s Symposium on LoveMarsilio Ficino54015th Century CEItaly
1483 CEMorgante: The Epic Adventures of Orlando and His Giant Friend MorganteLuigi Pulci54115th Century CEItaly
1481 CEThe History of Reynard the FoxWilliam Caxton54315th Century CEEngland
1480 CECaxton: The Description of Britain: A Modern RenderingWilliam Caxton54415th Century CEEngland
1480 CEThe Moral Fables of Robert HenrysonRobert Henryson54415th Century CEScotland
1477 CECaxton’s Book of CurtesyeWilliam Caxton54715th Century CEEngland
1476 CECoplas a la muerte de su padreJorge Manrique54815th Century CESpain
1476 CEThe Game and Playe of the ChesseWilliam Caxton54815th Century CEEngland
1474 CEBlind Harry’s WallaceBlind Harry55015th Century CEScotland
1467 CEMedieval Combat: A Fifteenth-Century Illustrated Manual of Swordfighting and Close-Quarter CombatHans Talhoffer55715th Century CEGermany
1461 CEThe Testament of Francois VillonFrançois Villon56315th Century CEFrance
1460 CEMemoirs of a Renaissance Pope: The Commentaries of Pius IIPope Pius II56415th Century CEItaly
1460 CEThe Death of King ArthurUnknown56415th Century CEEngland
1460 CEThe Bondage and Travels of Johann SchiltbergerJohann Schiltberger56415th Century CEGermany
1456 CEThe Poems of François VillonFrançois Villon56815th Century CEFrance
1452 CEOn the Art of BuildingLeon Battista Alberti57415th Century CEItaly
1443 CETalhoffers Fechtbuch (Gothaer Codex) Aus Dem Jahre 1443Hans Talhoffer58115th Century CEGermany
1440 CEOf Learned IgnoranceNicholas Cusanus58415th Century CEGermany
1435 CEOn PaintingLeon Battista Alberti58915th Century CEItaly
1430 CEThe Book of Margery KempeMargery Kempe59415th Century CEEngland
1429 CEDitié de Jehanne d’Arc (Medium Aevum monographs)Christine de Pizan59515th Century CEItaly
1427 CEThe Imitation of ChristThomas à Kempis59715th Century CENetherlands
1425 CEThe York Play of the CrucifixionUnknown59915th Century CEEngland
1424 CEThe Flowering Spirit: Classic Teachings on the Art of NoZeami60015th Century CEFrance
1421 CEThe Siege of ThebesJohn Lydgate60315th Century CEEngland
1417 CELa disputa de l’aseAnselm Turmeda60715th Century CESpain
1416 CEThe Très Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of BerryJean Longnon60815th Century CEFrance
1410 CEThe Book of Deeds of Arms and of ChivalryChristine de Pizan61414th Century CEFrance
1410 CEEen Abel spel vanden winter ende vanden somerUnknown61415th Century CENetherlands
1410 CEThe Perfumed GardenUmar Ibn Muhammed Al-Nefzawi61415th Century CETunisia
1407 CEThe Book of the Body PoliticChristine de Pizan61715th Century CEFrance
1406 CELove Songs of VidyapatiVidyapati61815th Century CEIndia
1405 CEThe Book of the City of LadiesChristine de Pizan61915th Century CEFrance
1405 CEThe Treasure of the City of LadiesChristine de Pizan61915th Century CEFrance
1405 CEThe Book of the Duke of True LoversChristine de Pizan61914th Century CEFrance
1404 CEThe Voynich ManuscriptUnknown62015th Century CEItaly
1402 CEDives and PauperAnonymous62215th Century CEEngland
1401 CEDer Ackermann und der TodJohannes von Saaz62314th Century CEGermany
1401 CELe Débat Sur Le Roman De La RoseChristine de Pizan (translator)62315th Century CEItaly
1400 CEThe Craftsman’s Handbook: “Il Libro dell’ Arte”Cennino Cennini62414th Century CEItaly
1400 CERevelations of Divine LoveJulian of Norwich62414th Century CEEngland
1400 CEThe Book of BeastsT.H. White (Translator)62414th Century CEEngland
1400 CEDe Vier HeemskinderenUnknown62414th Century CENetherlands
1400 CESir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, Cleanness, PatienceUnknown62414th Century CEEngland
1400 CEThe Alliterative Morte ArthureUnknown62414th Century CEEngland
1400 CEThe Spirit of NohZeami62414th Century CEJapan
1400 CEThe Second Shepherd’s PlayWakefield Master62414th Century CEEngland
1400 CEThe Castle of PerseveranceAnonymous62414th Century CEEngland
1392 CEThe Canterbury TalesGeoffrey Chaucer63214th Century CEEngland
1392 CEMélusine ou La Noble Histoire de LusignanJean d’Arras63214th Century CEFrance
1390 CEConfessio Amantis, Volume 1John Gower63414th Century CEEngland
1390 CEThe Saga of Grettir the StrongUnknown63414th Century CEIceland
1385 CETroilus and CriseydeGeoffrey Chaucer63914th Century CEEngland
1380 CEThe house of fameGeoffrey Chaucer64414th Century CEEngland
1380 CEThe Parliament of BirdsGeoffrey Chaucer64414th Century CEEngland
1380 CEThe Cloud of UnknowingAnonymous64414th Century CEEngland
1377 CECatherine of Siena: The DialogueCatherine of Siena64714th Century CEItaly
1377 CEPiers PlowmanWilliam Langland64714th Century CEEngland
1377 CEThe Muqaddimah: An Introduction to HistoryIbn Khaldun64714th Century CEAlgeria
1375 CEThe BruceJohn Barbour64914th Century CEScotland
1375 CESir Gawain and the Green KnightUnknown64914th Century CEEngland
1374 CECanzoniere: Selected PoemsFrancesco Petrarca65014th Century CEItaly
1374 CEBeatrijs: Een MarialegendeUnknown65014th Century CENetherlands
1371 CEThe Travels of Sir John MandevilleJohn Mandeville65314th Century CEEngland
1369 CEChroniclesJean Froissart65514th Century CEBelgium
1368 CEThe Book of the DuchessGeoffrey Chaucer65614th Century CEEngland
1368 CEThe DivanHafez65614th Century CEIran
1368 CEDream Visions and Other PoemsGeoffrey Chaucer65614th Century CEEngland
1361 CEConcerning Famous WomenGiovanni Boccaccio66314th Century CEItaly
1359 CELetopisețul Țării MoldoveiGrigore Ureche66514th Century CEMoldova
1357 CETrattatello in laude di DanteGiovanni Boccaccio66714th Century CEItaly
1355 CEThe Travels of Ibn BattutahIbn Battuta66914th Century CEMorocco
1355 CEThe Corbaccio, or, The Labyrinth of LoveGiovanni Boccaccio66914th Century CEItaly
1353 CEThe DecameronGiovanni Boccaccio67114th Century CEItaly
1351 CETrionfi, Rime estravaganti, Codice degli abbozziFrancesco Petrarca67314th Century CEItaly
1350 CESecretumFrancesco Petrarca67414th Century CEItaly
1350 CEThree Kingdoms (4-Volume Boxed Set)Luo Guanzhong67414th Century CEChina
1350 CEEen abel spel van EsmoreitUnknown67414th Century CENetherlands
1350 CEHet Abel spel “Gloriant” en de Sotternie “De Buskenblazer”Unknown67414th Century CENetherlands
1350 CEThe Book of Dede KorkutAnonymous67414th Century CETurkey
1351 CETrionfiFrancesco Petrarca67514th Century CEItaly
1344 CEThe Love of Books: The Philobiblon of Richard de BuryRichard de Bury68014th Century CEEngland
1344 CEElegia di Madonna FiammettaGiovanni Boccaccio68014th Century CEItaly
1340 CEA Cup of Sake Beneath the Cherry TreesYoshida Kenkō68414th Century CEJapan
1338 CEIl FilostratoGiovanni Boccaccio68614th Century CEItaly
1330 CELibro de buen amorJuan Ruiz69414th Century CESpain
1330 CEEssays in Idleness: The Tsurezuregusa of KenkōYoshida Kenkō69414th Century CEJapan
1330 CESir OrfeoUnknown69414th Century CEEngland
1329 CEThe Ultimate Ambition in the Arts of EruditionShihab al-Din al-Nuwayri69514th Century CEEgypt
1320 CEHis PoemsDafydd ap Gwilym70414th Century CEWales
1321 CEThe Divine ComedyDante Alighieri70514th Century CEItaly
1321 CEInfernoDante Alighieri70514th Century CEItaly
1321 CEParadiso (The Divine Comedy, #3)Dante Alighieri70514th Century CEItaly
1321 CEThe Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Volume 2: PurgatorioDante Alighieri70514th Century CEItaly
1314 CEKebra NagastAnonymous (translator)71014th Century CEEthiopia
1309 CEVie de Saint LouisJean de Joinville71514th Century CEFrance
1308 CEA Treatise on God as First PrincipleJohn Duns Scotus71614th Century CEScotland
1304 CEThe Confessions of Lady NijōLady Nijō72014th Century CEJapan
1300 CEThe TravelsMarco Polo72413th Century CEItaly
1300 CENjal’s SagaAnonymous72413th Century CEIceland
1300 CEKarel ende ElegastUnknown72413th Century CENetherlands
1300 CEHrafnkel’s Saga and Other Icelandic StoriesUnknown72413th Century CEIceland
1300 CEThe Lay of Havelok the DaneUnknown72413th Century CEEngland
1300 CEOutlaws of the Marsh (4-Volume Boxed Set)Shi Nai’an72413th Century CEChina
1300 CESir LaunfalThomas Chestre72413th Century CEEngland
1294 CEVita NuovaDante Alighieri72813th Century CEItaly
1287 CEHistoria Destructionis TroiaeGuido delle Colonne73713th Century CEItaly
1280 CEZohar: The Book of Splendor: Basic Readings from the KabbalahGershom Scholem (Editor)74413th Century CESpain
1280 CEThe Southern PassionAnonymous74413th Century CENetherlands
1274 CESumma TheologicaThomas Aquinas74813th Century CEItaly
1273 CEClassics of World Spirituality: Rumi’s Divan of Shems of TabrizJalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi75113th Century CEIran
1270 CERoman van WaleweinPenninc75413th Century CENetherlands
1270 CEFerguutAnonymous75413th Century CEFrance
1200 CEThe Romance of the Rose or Guillaume de DoleJean Renart75412th Century CEFrance
1270 CEThe wars of Frederick II against the Ibelins in Syria and CyprusPhilip de Novare75413th Century CEItaly
1265 CEThe Golden LegendJacobus de Voragine75713th Century CEItaly
1265 CESumma Contra Gentiles: Volumes 1-4 in Five BooksThomas Aquinas75713th Century CEItaly
1260 CEThe Essential RumiJalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi76413th Century CEIran
1260 CEThe Masnavi, Book TwoJalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi76413th Century CEIran
1260 CEThe Masnavi: Book OneJalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi76413th Century CEIran
1260 CEFloris Ende BlancefloerDiederic van Assenede76413th Century CENetherlands
1256 CEOn Being and EssenceThomas Aquinas76613th Century CEItaly
1258 CEگلستان سعدیSaadi76613th Century CEIran
1255 CEThe Mission of Friar William of Rubruck: His Journey to the Court of the Great Khan Möngke, 1253-1255Willem van Ruysbroeck76713th Century CEFrance
1250 CEThe Saga of the VolsungsAnonymous77413th Century CEIceland
1250 CEVan den vos ReynaerdeUnknown77413th Century CENetherlands
1247 CEThe Story of the Mongols Whom We Call the TartarsGiovanni da Pian del Carpine77713th Century CEItaly
1224 CECanticle of the Sun (The Calligrapher’s Notebooks)Francis of Assisi77813th Century CEItaly
1245 CELaxdæla SagaUnknown77913th Century CEIceland
1240 CEThe Saga of Gisli the OutlawAnonymous78413th Century CEIceland
1240 CESaga di HrafnkellAnonymous78413th Century CEIceland
1235 CEOne Hundred Leaves: A new annotated translation of the Hyakunin IsshuFujiwara no Teika78913th Century CEJapan
1235 CELa Suite Du Roman de MerlinUnknown78913th Century CEFrance
1230 CEOrkneyinga Saga: The History of the Earls of OrkneyJoseph Anderson (Editor)79413th Century CEIceland
1230 CEThe Romance of the RoseGuillaume de Lorris79413th Century CEFrance
1230 CEHeimskringla: or, The Lives of the Norse KingsSnorri Sturluson79413th Century CEIceland
1230 CEThe Crown: A Tale of Sir Gawain and King Arthur’s CourtHeinrich von dem Türlin79413th Century CEGermany
1230 CESundiata: An Epic of Old MaliDjibril Tamsir Niane (Translator)79413th Century CEMali
1230 CECarmina BuranaAnonymous79413th Century CEGermany
1228 CELife of St. Francis of AssisiHenry of Avranches79613th Century CEItaly
1220 CEThe Life of Saint Hugh of Avalon: Bishop of Lincoln 1186–1200 (Fontes Mediaevalium 2)Gerald of Wales80413th Century CEEngland
1220 CEProse EddaSnorri Sturluson80413th Century CEIceland
1220 CEThe Prose Edda: Norse MythologySnorri Sturluson80413th Century CEIceland
1220 CEEgil’s SagaAnonymous80413th Century CEIceland
1220 CEEirik the Red and Other Icelandic SagasUnknown (translator)80413th Century CEIceland
1220 CEEyrbyggja SagaUnknown80413th Century CEIceland
1220 CELancelot of the LakeUnknown80413th Century CEFrance
1250 CEThe Life and Death of Cormac the SkaldUnknown80713th Century CEIceland
1217 CELe Lai de l’OmbreJean Renart80713th Century CEFrance
1215 CEThe Magna CartaAnonymous80913th Century CEEngland
1215 CEBrutLayamon80913th Century CEEngland
1212 CEHojoki: Visions of a Torn WorldKamo no Chōmei81213th Century CEJapan
1210 CEParzivalWolfram von Eschenbach81413th Century CEGermany
1210 CETristan: With the Tristran of ThomasGottfried von Strassburg81413th Century CEGermany
1210 CETristan Band 1Gottfried von Strassburg81413th Century CEGermany
1210 CEWillehalmWolfram von Eschenbach81413th Century CEGermany
1204 CEMemoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade and the Conquest of ConstantinopleGeoffroi de Villehardouin82013th Century CEFrance
1000 CEThe Diary of Lady MurasakiMurasaki Shikibu82410th Century CEJapan
1000 CEAs I Crossed a Bridge of DreamsLady Sarashina82410th Century CEJapan
1200 CEHay bin YakzanIbn Tufail82412th Century CESpain
1200 CEThe MabinogionUnknown82412th Century CEWales
1200 CEPoema de Mío CidAnonymous82412th Century CESpain
1200 CEMerlinRobert de Boron82412th Century CEFrance
1200 CERomance of the Western ChamberWang Shifu82412th Century CEChina
1200 CEJoseph of ArimatheaRobert de Boron82412th Century CEFrance
1200 CELanzeletUlrich von Zatzikhoven82412th Century CEGermany
1200 CETales of the Elders of IrelandAnonymous82412th Century CEIreland
1200 CEThe NibelungenliedUnknown82412th Century CEGermany
1200 CEThe Knight in the Panther’s SkinShota Rustaveli82412th Century CEGeorgia
1200 CEThe Danish HistorySaxo Grammaticus82412th Century CEDenmark
1200 CEThe Quest of the Holy GrailUnknown82412th Century CEFrance
1200 CEThe Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of AmericaUnknown82412th Century CEIceland
1200 CEAucassin et nicoletteAlexandre Micha82412th Century CEFrance
1200 CEMilagros de Nuestra SeñoraGonzalo de Berceo82412th Century CESpain
1200 CEIweinHartmann von Aue82412th Century CEGermany
1200 CELanceloet en het hert met de witte voetUnknown82412th Century CENetherlands
1200 CEThe Old Man Who Does As He PleasesLu You82412th Century CEChina
1200 CEThe Tale of the HeikeAnonymous82412th Century CEJapan
1195 CEDer arme HeinrichHartmann von Aue82912th Century CEGermany
1188 CEThe Journey Through WalesGerald of Wales83212th Century CEWales
1191 CEThe Description of WalesGerald of Wales83212th Century CEWales
1188 CEThe History and Topography of IrelandGerald of Wales83212th Century CEIreland
1190 CEPerceval, or, The Story of the GrailChrétien de Troyes83412th Century CEFrance
1190 CEThe Guide for the PerplexedMaimonides83412th Century CESpain
1190 CELe Roman De Tristan et IseutJoseph Bédier83412th Century CEFrance
1184 CEThe Art of Courtly LoveAndreas Capellanus83612th Century CEFrance
1188 CELayla and MajnunNizami Ganjavi83612th Century CEIran
1185 CEThe Song of Igor’s CampaignVladimir Nabokov (Translator)83912th Century CEUkraine
1180 CEYvain, or, The Knight with the LionChrétien de Troyes84412th Century CEFrance
1180 CEErec.Hartmann von Aue84412th Century CEGermany
1177 CEThe Conference of the BirdsAttar of Nishapur84712th Century CEIran
1176 CECligèsChrétien de Troyes84812th Century CEFrance
1170 CELancelot: The Knight of the CartChrétien de Troyes85412th Century CEFrance
1170 CEArthurian RomancesChrétien de Troyes85412th Century CEFrance
1170 CEErec and EnideChrétien de Troyes85412th Century CEFrance
1170 CEFablesMarie de France85412th Century CEFrance
1170 CEServaaslegendeHendrik van Veldeke85411th Century CENetherlands
1170 CEChansons d’amour de Bernart de VentadornBernard de Ventadour85412th Century CEFrance
1170 CEA History of Deeds Done Beyond the SeaWilliam of Tyre85412th Century CEFrance
1159 CEThe Metalogicon: A Twelfth-Century Defense of the Verbal and Logical Arts of the TriviumJohn of Salisbury86112th Century CEEngland
1160 CEThe Lais of Marie de FranceMarie de France86412th Century CEFrance
1151 CEHildegard of Bingen: SciviasHildegard of Bingen86912th Century CEGermany
1155 CERoman de BrutWace86912th Century CEEngland
1150 CEThe Táin: From the Irish Epic Táin Bó CúailngeAnonymous87412th Century CEIreland
1150 CEThe Táin: From the Irish Epic Táin Bó CúailngeAnonymous87412th Century CEIreland
1150 CESakuteiki: Visions of the Japanese GardenJiro Takei87411th Century CEJapan
1050 CEرسالة الغفرانأبو العلاء المعري87411th Century CESyria
1132 CEThe Letters of Abélard and HéloïsePierre Abélard87412th Century CEFrance
1150 CEThe Life of MerlinGeoffrey of Monmouth87412th Century CEWales
1125 CEChronicle of the Kings of EnglandWilliam of Malmesbury87712th Century CEEngland
1143 CEThe AlexiadAnna Comnena88112th Century CEByzantine Empire
1136 CEThe History of the Kings of BritainGeoffrey of Monmouth88812th Century CEWales
1130 CEحي بن يقظانIbn Tufail89412th Century CESpain
1130 CEThe Story of My MisfortunesPierre Abélard89412th Century CEFrance
1125 CEThe Murder of Charles the Good (Records of Western Civilization Series)Galbert de Bruges89912th Century CEBelgium
1120 CESic Et Non: A Critical EditionPierre Abélard90412th Century CEFrance
1108 CEA Monk’s Confession: The Memoirs of Guibert of NogentGuibert Of Nogent91612th Century CEFrance
1100 CEThe Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of LifeLü Dongbin92411th Century CEChina
1100 CERubáiyát of Omar KhayyámOmar Khayyám92411th Century CEIran
1025 CEThe Metaphysics of The HealingAvicenna92411th Century CEIran
1100 CEEl collar de la palomaAbu Muhammad Ali ibn Hazm92411th Century CESpain
1100 CETales from the KathasaritsagaraSomadeva92411th Century CEIndia
1100 CEVis and RaminFakhraddin Gorgani92411th Century CEIran
1100 CEDigenis Akritas: The Two-Blood Border LordUnknown92411th Century CEGreece
1100 CELa Chanson de RolandUnknown92411th Century CEFrance
1100 CEرباعيات خيامOmar Khayyám92411th Century CEIran
1100 CEThe Book of Contemplation: Islam and the CrusadesUsamah ibn Munqidh92411th Century CESyria
1100 CEJapanese Tales from Times Past: Stories of Fantasy and Folklore from the Konjaku Monogatari ShuAnonymous92411th Century CEJapan
1100 CEIncoherence of the Incoherenceibn Rushd92411th Century CESpain
1100 CEThe Sentences Book 4: On The Doctrine of SignsPeter Lombard92411th Century CEFrance
1100 CEThe Sentences Book 2: On CreationPeter Lombard92411th Century CEFrance
1100 CEThe Sentences Book 1: The Mystery of the TrinityPeter Lombard92411th Century CEFrance
1100 CELe Roman de Troie: Extraits du Manuscrit Milan, Bibliotheque Ambrosienne, D 55Benoît de Sainte-Maure92411th Century CEFrance
1100 CEThe Sentences Book 3: On the Incarnation of the WordPeter Lombard92411th Century CEFrance
1100 CEThe Kuzari: An Argument for the Faith of IsraelYehuda HaLevi92411th Century CESpain
1100 CEThe MabinogionUnknown92411th Century CEWales
1095 CECur Deus HomoAnselm of Canterbury92911th Century CEItaly
1095 CEThe Incoherence of the PhilosophersAbu Hamid al-Ghazali92911th Century CEIran
1086 CEDomesday Book: A Complete TranslationAnonymous93411th Century CEEngland
1077 CEMonologionAnselm of Canterbury94711th Century CEBritian
1077 CEProslogionAnselm of Canterbury94711th Century CEBritish
1074 CEWisdom of Royal Glory: A Turko-Islamic Mirror for PrincesKhass Hajib Yusuf95011th Century CETurkey
1150 CEHildegard von Bingen’s PhysicaHildegard of Bingen97412th Century CEGermany
1050 CEمقامات الحريريAl-Hariri97411th Century CEIraq
1050 CEDigenis Akritas: The Two-Blood Border LordUnknown97411th Century CEGreece
1037 CEСлово о Законе и БлагодатиHilarion of Kyiv98711th Century CEUkraine
1025 CEAvicenna Canon of Medicine Volume 1Avicenna99911th Century CEIran
1010 CEShahnameh: The Persian Book of KingsAbolqasem Ferdowsi101411th Century CEIran
1010 CEShahnameh: The Persian Book of KingsAbolqasem Ferdowsi101411th Century CEIran
1008 CEThe Tale of GenjiMurasaki Shikibu101611th Century CEJapan
1000 CEThe Arabian NightsAnonymous102410th Century CEMiddle East
1000 CEMaldon and Brunnanburh: Two Old English Songs of BattleCharles Langley Crow102410th Century CEBritain
1000 CEHávamál : vikingenes visdomsordAnonymous102410th Century CEScandinavia
1000 CEBeowulfUnknown102410th Century CEBritian
1000 CEThe Exeter Book RiddlesKevin Crossley-Holland102410th Century CEBritian
1000 CEDulcitius AbrahamHrotsvitha102410th Century CEGermany
1000 CEWalthariusEkkehard I. von St. Gallen102410th Century CESwitzerland
1000 CEThe Pillow BookSei Shōnagon102410th Century CEJapan
1000 CEThe Battle of MaldonAnonymous102410th Century CEBritain
1000 CEThe Izumi Shikibu Diary: A Romance of the Heian CourtIzumi Shikibu102410th Century CEJapan
974 CEThe Gossamer Years: The Diary of a Noblewoman of Heian JapanMichitsuna no Haha105010th Century CEJapan
950 CEFrom The Meadows of GoldAl-Masʿūdī107410th Century CEIraq
1000 CEThe Tale of Lady OchikuboEizo Yanagisawa (Translator)107410th Century CEJapan
935 CEThe plays of Hrotswitha of GandersheimHrotsvitha108910th Century CEGermany
935 CEThe Tosa Diary (Tuttle Classics of Japanese Literature)Ki no Tsurayuki108910th Century CEJapan
921 CEIbn Fadlān and the Land of DarknessAhmad ibn Fadlān110310th Century CEIraq
905 CEKokinshu: A Collection of Poems Ancient and ModernKi no Tsurayuki (Compiler)111910th Century CEJapan
900 CEThe Book of Durrow: A Medieval MasterpieceBernard Meehan11249th Century CEIreland
900 CEThe HitopadesaNarayana Pandit11249th Century CEIndia
893 CEAlfred the Great: Asser’s Life of King Alfred and Other Contemporary SourcesAsser11319th Century CEBritian
900 CEThe Clouds Float North: The Complete Poems of Yu XuanjiYu Xuanji11319th Century CEChina
890 CEThe Anglo Saxon ChronicleVarious11349th Century CEBritian
850 CEThe Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of MindHuang Po11349th Century CEChina
850 CEارداویراف نامهArdaviraf11749th Century CEPersia
850 CEThe Sayings of Layman P’ang: A Zen Classic of ChinaYun P’ang11749th Century CEChina
850 CEKitab al-Hayawan (Book of the Animals)Al-Jahiz11749th Century CEIraq
840 CEHeliandAnonymous11849th Century CESaxon
830 CEThe Life of CharlemagneEinhard11949th Century CEGermany
870 CESahih Al-Bukhariمحمد بن إسماعيل البخاري11949th Century CEUzbekistan
820 CEHistory of the Britons (Historia Brittonum)Nennius12049th Century CEBritain
800 CEThe Tibetan Book of the DeadPadmasambhava12248th Century CETibet
800 CEBarlaam and IoasaphJohn of Damascus12248th Century CEByzantine Empire
800 CEThe Collected Songs of Cold MountainHanshan12248th Century CEChina
800 CEGedichten en prozaBai Juyi12248th Century CEChina
787 CEHistory of the Lombards (The Middle Ages Series)Paul the Deacon12378th Century CEItaly
762 CEThe Selected Poems of Li PoLi Po12628th Century CEChina
759 CEThe ManyōshūŌtomo no Yakamochi (Compiler)12658th Century CEJapan
750 CESpring in the Ruined City: Selected PoemsDu Fu12748th Century CEChina
750 CEDu Fu: A Life in PoetryDu Fu12748th Century CEChina
740 CEPoemsWang Wei12848th Century CEChina
740 CEFive T’Ang PoetsWang Wei12848th Century CEChina
731 CEEcclesiastical History of the English PeopleBede12938th Century CEEngland
715 CEThe Lindisfarne Gospels HighlightsEadfrith13098th Century CENorthumberland
712 CEThe Kojiki: Records of Ancient MattersŌ no Yasumaro13128th Century CEJapan
700 CEThe Way of the BodhisattvaShantideva13247th Century CEIndia
700 CEKadambariBāṇabhaṭṭa13247th Century CEIndia
700 CEThe Mountain Poems of Meng Hao-JanMeng Hao-jan13247th Century CEChina
670 CEThe Caedmon PoemsCaedmon13547th Century CEEngland
645 CEThe Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western RegionsXuanzang (translator)13797th Century CEChina
642 CEThe Chronicle of John, Bishop of NikiuR.H. Charles13827th Century CEEgypt
630 CEAccounts of Western Nations in the History of the Northern Chou DynastyLinghu Defen13943rd century CEChina
610 CEQuranMuhammad14147th Century CEArabia
610 CEالقرآن الكريمAnonymous14147th century CEArabian Peninsula
600 CEMorals on the Book of Job, Volume 3, Part 1Pope Gregory I14246th century CERome
600 CEThe Book of Pastoral RulePope Gregory I14246th century CERome
600 CEJohn Climacus: The Ladder of Divine AscentJohn Climacus14246th century CESinai
600 CEY GododdinAneirin14246th Century CEWales
594 CEThe History of the FranksGregory of Tours14306th Century CEFrance
593 CEThe Dialogues of Saint Gregory the GreatPope Gregory I14316th century CERome
590 CEThe Book of Pastoral Rule (Popular Patristics Series 34)Pope Gregory I14346th century CERome
590 CEThe Ecclesiastical History of EvagriusEvagrius Scholasticus14346th Century CESyria
575 CEThe Complete WorksPseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite14496th century CEAthens
569 CEThe Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah RhetorGeoffrey Greatrex (translator)14557th Century CEArabia
551 CEThe Origin and Deeds of the GothsJordanes14736th century CEItaly
550 CEThe Secret HistoryProcopius14746th Century CEByzantium
550 CEHistory of the Wars, Volume I: Books 1-2Procopius14746th century CERome
550 CEHistory of the Wars, Volume IV. Books 6.16-7.35 Gothic WarProcopius14746th century CERome
550 CEThe Complete Procopius AnthologyProcopius14746th century CERome
550 CEThe Poems of TaliesinTaliesin14746th Century CEWales
545 CEHistory of the Wars, Books III and IVProcopius14796th century CERome
545 CEHistory of the Wars, Volume 5. Books 7.36-8. Gothic WarProcopius14796th century CERome
545 CEHistory of the Wars, Volume III: Books 5-6.15Procopius14796th century CERome
545 CEHistory of the Wars of JustinianProcopius14796th century CERome
540 CELiber querulus de excidio Britanniae. EnglishGildas14846th Century CEEngland
533 CEThe Digest of JustinianJustinian I14916th century CERome
533 CEJustinian’s InstitutesJustinian I14916th century CERome
530 CEThe Rule of Saint BenedictBenedict of Nursia14946th Century CEItaly
524 CEThe Consolation of PhilosophyBoethius15006th century CEItaly
500 CEBabylonian TalmudVarious15245th century CEBabylon
500 CEThe Confession of Saint PatrickPatrick of Ireland15245th century CEIreland
500 CEDionysiaca, Books 1-15 (Loeb Classical Library, #344)Nonnus of Panopolis15245th Century CEEgypt
500 CEDionysiaca, Books 16-35 (Loeb Classical Library, #354)Nonnus of Panopolis15245th Century CEEgypt
500 CEDionysiaca, Books 36-48 (Loeb Classical Library, #356)Nonnus of Panopolis15245th Century CEEgypt
500 CEThe Life of Porphyry, Bishop of GazaMarcus Diaconus15245th century CEGaza
500 CEThe Literary Mind and the Carving of DragonsLiu Hsieh15245th Century CEChina
500 CEShilappadikaramIlango Adigal15245th Century CEIndia
477 CESidonius: Poems. Letters, Books 1-2Sidonius Apollinaris15475th Century CEGaul
474 CEHistory of the ArmeniansMovses Khorenatsi15505th Century CEArmenia
449 CEThe Fragmentary History of PriscusPriscus15755th century CEByzantine Empire
444 CEA History of the Monks of SyriaTheodoret of Cyrus15805th Century CESyria
443 CELeo The Great: Sermons (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series)Leo the Great15815th century CERome
430 CEThe Life of Saint AugustinePossidius15945th Century CENorth Africa
429 CEThe Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian ConstitutionsClyde Pharr (editor)15955th Century CERome
427 CEThe Retractions (Fathers of the Church 60)Augustine of Hippo15975th Century CEAncient Rome
426 CECity of GodAugustine of Hippo15985th Century CEAncient Rome
420 CEConferencesJohn Cassian16045th century CERome
417 CEThe TrinityAugustine of Hippo16075th Century CEAncient Rome
417 CERutilius Namatianus’ Going HomeMartha Malamud16075th Century CERome
405 CELettres à OlympiasJohn Chrysostom16195th century CERome
400 CEOrosius: Seven Books of History against the PagansPaulus Orosius (translator)16244th Century CEIberia
400 CEShakuntalaKālidāsa16244th Century CEIndia
400 CEKumarasambhavam: The Origin of the Young GodKālidāsa16244th Century CEIndia
400 CEThe Meghadūta of KālidāsaKālidāsa16244th Century CEIndia
400 CERaghuvamsam: The Line of RaghuKālidāsa16244th Century CEIndia
400 CEConfessionsAugustine of Hippo16244th Century CERoman Empire
400 CEBiblia Sacra VulgataAnonymous16244th century CERome
400 CEThe Yoga Sutras of PatanjaliPatañjali16244th Century CEIndia
400 CEThe SaturnaliaMacrobius16244th Century CERome
400 CECommentary on the Dream of ScipioMacrobius16244th Century CERome
400 CEThe Mountain Poems of Hsieh Ling-YunHsieh Ling-yün16244th Century CEChina
398 CEConfessions of a SinnerAugustine of Hippo16264th Century CEAncient Rome
397 CEOn Christian TeachingAugustine of Hippo16274th Century CEAncient Rome
397 CEOn Christian DoctrineAugustine of Hippo16274th Century CEAncient Rome
391 CEOf True ReligionAugustine of Hippo16334th Century CEAncient Rome
391 CEOn Free Choice of the WillAugustine of Hippo16334th Century CEAncient Rome
390 CEThe Later Roman Empire (A.D. 354-378)Ammianus Marcellinus16344th Century CERoman Empire
390 CEThe Life of MosesGregory of Nyssa16344th century CETurkey
387 CEOn the MysteriesAmbrose of Milan16374th century CEMilan
386 CEThe Happy LifeAugustine of Hippo16384th Century CEAncient Rome
386 CESermon against Auxentius on the giving up of the BasilicasAmbrose of Milan16384th century CEMilan
383 CEThe Military Institutions of the RomansVegetius16414th century CERome
382 CEInterlinear Latin VulgateAnonymous16424th century CERome
380 CEOn the Holy SpiritGregory of Nyssa16444th century CETurkey
379 CEOn the Soul and the ResurrectionGregory of Nyssa16454th century CETurkey
379 CEThe Five Theological OrationsGregory of Nazianzus16454th century CEAncient Rome
370 CELetter to Marcellinus on the Psalms: Spiritual Wisdom for TodayAthanasius of Alexandria16544th century CEAlexandria
369 CEBreviarium historiae romanaeEutropius16554th century CERome
365 CEOn the making of manGregory of Nyssa16594th century CETurkey
362 CEAgainst the GalileansJulian16624th century CERome
360 CEThe Life Of St. AnthonyAthanasius of Alexandria16644th century CEAlexandria
356 CEAddress to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek LiteratureBasil the Great16684th century CEByzantium
350 CEWorks on the SpiritAthanasius of Alexandria16744th century CEAlexandria
350 CEThe Catechetical Lectures of St. Cyril of JerusalemCyril of Jerusalem16744th century CEJerusalem
350 CESt. Ephrem the Syrian: Hymns On ParadiseEphrem the Syrian16744th century CESyria
350 CEThe Works of AusoniusDecimus Magnus Ausonius16744th century CERome
350 CEThe Hymns on Faith (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series)Ephrem the Syrian16744th century CESyria
350 CEThe Fall of TroyQuintus Smyrnaeus16744th Century CEGreece
350 CEThe Book of BurialGuo Pu16744th Century CEChina
350 CEKama SoetraMallanaga Vātsyāyana16744th Century CEIndia
339 CEThe Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine: From Ad 306 to Ad 337Eusebius Pamphilus16854th century CEByzantium
330 CEOn the IncarnationAthanasius of Alexandria16944th century CEAlexandria
325 CEFour Discourses Against the AriansAthanasius of Alexandria16994th century CEAlexandria
324 CEThe History of the Church: From Christ to ConstantineEusebius17004th century CEByzantium
324 CEThe Ecclesiastical History of SozomenHermias Sozomen17005th Century CEByzantine Empire
319 CEAgainst The HeathenAthanasius of Alexandria17054th century CEAlexandria
316 CEOn the Deaths of the PersecutorsLactantius17084th century CEItaly
305 CEPorphyry’s Letter to His Wife: Concerning the Life of Philosophy and the Ascent to the GodsPorphyry17194th Century CEGreece
300 CEThe Nag Hammadi LibraryUnknown17243rd Century CEEgypt
300 CEThe Philogelos or Laughter-LoverHierocles of Alexandria17243rd Century CEGreece
300 CEMudraraksasa: The Signet Ring of RakshasaViśākhadatta17243rd Century CEIndia
300 CEKalila Wa DimnaVishnu Sharma17243rd Century CEIndia
275 CEPorphyry’s Against the ChristiansPorphyry17493rd century CEGreece
270 CEIsagoge (Sic et Non) (French Edition)Porphyre17543rd century CEGreece
200 CEMishnahRabbi Judah haNasi18242nd Century CEIsrael
200 CEThe Bhagavad GitaKrishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa18242nd Century CEIndia
200 CEEighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute: The Story of Lady Wen-chiLiu Shang18242nd Century CEChina
180 CEMeditationsMarcus Aurelius18442nd Century CERoman Empire
150 CEThe Civil WarsAppian18742nd Century CERoman Empire
135 CEDiscourses of EpictetusEpictetus18892nd Century CEGreece
135 CEThe Essential WritingsEpictetus18892nd Century CEGreece
121 CEThe Twelve CaesarsSuetonius19032nd Century CERoman Empire
121 CELives of the Twelve CaesarsSuetonius19032nd Century CERoman Empire
120 CEThe Sixteen SatiresJuvenal19042nd Century CERoman Empire
116 CEThe Annals of Imperial RomeTacitus19082nd Century CERoman Empire
100 CEThe Letters of the Younger PlinyPliny the Younger19241st Century CERoman Empire
100 CEParallel LivesPlutarch19241st Century CEGreece
100 CELife of the Buddha (Clay Sanskrit Library, 10)Ashvaghosha19241st Century CEIndia
100 CEThe Life of Alexander the GreatPlutarch19241st Century CEMacedonia
98 CEThe Agricola and The GermaniaTacitus19261st Century CERoman Empire
98 CEGermaniaTacitus19261st Century CERoman Empire
75 CEOn SpartaPlutarch19491st Century CEGreece
75 CEThe Jewish WarFlavius Josephus19491st Century CEIsrael
75 CEThe Fall of the Roman RepublicPlutarch19491st Century CERoman Empire
65 CELetters from a StoicSeneca19591st Century CERoman Empire
60 CEThe SatyriconPetronius19641st Century CERoman Empire
60 CECivil WarLucan19641st Century CERoman Empire
150 CEThe Golden AssApuleius19742nd Century CERoman Empire
50 CEGreek New TestamentAnonymous19741st Century CEGreece
8 CEMetamorephosesOvid20161st Century CERoman Empire
2 CEThe Art of LoveOvid20221st Century CERoman Empire
19 BCEThe AeneidVirgil20431st Century BCERoman Empire
27 BCEThe History of Rome, Books 1-5: The Early History of RomeLivy20511st Century BCERoman Empire
27 BCEThe History of Rome, Books 21-30: The War with HannibalLivy20511st Century BCERoman Empire
44 BCEOn the Good LifeMarcus Tullius Cicero20681st Century BCERoman Empire
44 BCESelected WorksMarcus Tullius Cicero20681st Century BCERoman Empire
50 BCEThe Civil WarGaius Julius Caesar20741st Century BCERoman Empire
50 BCEThe Conquest of GaulGaius Julius Caesar20741st Century BCERoman Empire
50 BCECaesar’s Commentaries: On the Gallic War & On the Civil WarGaius Julius Caesar20741st Century BCERoman Empire
54 BCEThe Complete PoemsCatullus20781st Century BCERoman Empire
55 BCEThe Way Things AreLucretius20791st Century BCERoman Empire
100 BCERecords of the Grand Historian: Han Dynasty ISima Qian21241st Century BCEChina
150 BCEThe Yoga Sutras of PatanjaliPatañjali21742nd Century BCEIndia
150 BCEThe Library of Greek MythologyApollodorus of Athens21742nd Century BCEGreece
200 BCEThe Rise of the Roman EmpirePolybius22242nd Century BCERoman Empire
200 BCEVaiśeṣika SūtraKanada22242nd Century BCEIndia
250 BCEPoems and FragmentsSappho22743rd Century BCEGreece
250 BCEThe DhammapadaAnonymous22743rd Century BCEIndia
300 BCEJason and the Golden FleeceApollonius of Rhodes23243rd Century BCEGreece
300 BCERamayanaVālmīki23243rd Century BCEIndia
300 BCEIdyllsTheocritus23243rd Century BCEGreece
300 BCEThe Art of WarSun Tzu23243rd Century BCEChina
300 BCEZhuangziChuang Tzu23243rd Century BCEChina
300 BCEFables of BidpaiAnonymous23243rd Century BCEIndia
330 BCEThe Campaigns of AlexanderArrian23544th Century BCEMacedonia
335 BCEPoeticsAristotle23594th Century BCEGreece
350 BCEThe Nicomachean EthicsAristotle23744th Century BCEGreece
350 BCEPoliticsAristotle23744th Century BCEGreece
350 BCEMetaphysicsAristotle23744th century BCEGreece
360 BCEPhaedoPlato23844th Century BCEGreece
370 BCEThe Persian ExpeditionXenophon23944th Century BCEGreece
370 BCEA History of My TimesXenophon23944th century BCEGreece
375 BCEThe RepublicPlato23994th century BCEGreece
380 BCEThe SymposiumPlato24044th Century BCEGreece
399 BCEApologyPlato24234th Century BCEGreece
400 BCEAjaxSophocles24234th Century BCEGreece
400 BCESushruta SamhitaSushruta24234th Century BCEIndia
400 BCEThe Book of Lieh-Tzŭ: A Classic of TaoLiezi24244th century BCEChina
400 BCEThe Mozi: A Complete TranslationMozi24244th Century BCEChina
400 BCEMahabharataAnonymous24244th Century BCEIndia
405 BCEThe BacchaeEuripides24295th Century BCEGreece
406 BCEOedipus at Colonus (The Theban Plays, #2)Sophocles24305th Century BCEGreece
409 BCEPhiloctetesSophocles24335th Century BCEGreece
410 BCEElectraEuripides24345th Century BCEGreece
411 BCELysistrataAristophanes24355th Century BCEGreece
413 BCEIphigeneia in TaurisEuripides24375th Century BCEGreece
415 BCEThe Trojan WomenEuripides24395th Century BCEGreece
420 BCEElectraSophocles24445th Century BCEGreece
429 BCEOedipus Rex (The Theban Plays, #1)Sophocles24535th Century BCEGreece
430 BCEThe HistoriesHerodotus24545th Century BCEGreece
431 BCEMedeaEuripides24555th Century BCEGreece
431 BCEHistory of the Peloponnesian WarThucydides24555th Century BCEGreece
435 BCEWomen of TrachisSophocles24585th Century BCEGreece
438 BCEAlcestisEuripides24615th Century BCEGreece
441 BCEAntigone (The Theban Plays,#3)Sophocles24645th Century BCEGreece
450 BCEPrometheus BoundAeschylus24735th Century BCEGreece
350 BCEMenciusMencius24744th Century BCEChina
458 BCEThe Oresteia: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The EumenidesAeschylus24815th Century BCEGreece
458 BCEAgamemnon (Oresteia, #1)Aeschylus24815th Century BCEGreece
467 BCEThe Seven Against ThebesAeschylus24905th Century BCEGreece
472 BCEThe PersiansAeschylus24955th Century BCEGreece
479 BCEThe AnalectsConfucius25025th Century BCEChina
500 BCEFragmentsHeraclitus25235th Century BCEGreece
500 BCETao Te ChingLao Tzu25245th Century BCEChina
550 BCEBook of EzekielEzekiel25746th Century BCEIsrael
600 BCEAesop’s FablesAesop26246th Century BCEGreece
600 BCEThe Book of Job (Pocket Canon)Anonymous26246th Century BCEIsrael
600 BCEIf Not, Winter: Fragments of SapphoSappho26246th Century BCEGreece
650 BCEArchilochus, Sappho, Alkman: Three Lyric Poets of the Seventh Century B.C.Guy Davenport (Translator)26747th Century BCEGreece
700 BCEKashyapa SamhhitaKashyap27247th Century BCEIndia
700 BCETheogony / Works and DaysHesiod27247th Century BCEGreece
700 BCEHomeric HymnsHomer27247th Century BCEGreece
720 BCEThe OdysseyHomer27448th Century BCEGreece
750 BCEThe IliadHomer27748th Century BCEGreece
750 BCEBook of IsaiahIsaiah27748th Century BCEIsrael
800 BCEThe UpanishadsAnonymous28248th Century BCEIndia
900 BCEThe Song of Solomon (Bible, #22)Anonymous29249th Century BCEIsrael
1000 BCEThe I Ching or Book of ChangesAnonymous302410th Century BCEChina
1500 BCEThe Egyptian Book of the DeadAnonymous352415th Century BCEEgypt
1500 BCEThe Rig VedaAnonymous352415th Century BCEIndia
1500 BCEEnuma ElishAnonymous352415th Century BCEMesopotamia
1700 BCEThe Epic of AtrahasisAnonymous372417th Century BCEMesopotamia
1800 BCEThe Tale of SinuheUnknown382418th Century BCEEgypt
2125 BCESumerian King ListAnonymous414821st Century BCEMesopotamia
2250 BCEThe Epic of GilgameshAnonymous427422nd Century BCEMesopotamia